Top Identifiers of September 2020 observations
As the number of flies on iNaturalist continues to grow, many users have stepped up to help identify more and more observations. I'd like to celebrate some of these accomplishments, focusing on recent activity. Some of these contributors have been active for years, while others have only recently begun to have a massive impact. We're all grateful for your generosity.
By state/province:
Alabama @myelaphus Alaska @muir Arizona @myelaphus Arkansas @jhousephotos California @trinaroberts Colorado @ny_wetlander Connecticut @megachile Delaware @myelaphus Florida @sauron978 Georgia @myelaphus Hawaii @phycus Idaho @kschnei Illinois @spencerpote Indiana @myelaphus Iowa @isaacwinkler Kansas @myelaphus Kentucky @myelaphus Louisiana @bradmoon Maine @trinaroberts Maryland @myelaphus Massachusetts @trinaroberts Michigan @calconey Minnesota @guidingguida Mississippi @treegrow Missouri @lfelliott Montana @trinaroberts Nebraska @myelaphus Nevada @myelaphus New Hampshire @calconey New Jersey @imacuriousjuan New Mexico @myelaphus New York @acclivity North Carolina @myelaphus North Dakota @trinaroberts Ohio @myelaphus Oklahoma @myelaphus Oregon @trinaroberts Pennsylvania @calconey Rhode Island @myelaphus South Carolina @myelaphus South Dakota @myelaphus Tennessee @myelaphus Texas @myelaphus Utah @aroe Vermont @calconey Virginia @myelaphus Washington @trinaroberts West Virginia @myelaphus Wisconsin @jeremyhussell Wyoming @myelaphus
Alberta @trinaroberts British Columbia @trinaroberts Manitoba @friesen5000 New Brunswick @jdee Newfoundland and Labrador @tom102 Northwest Territories @lrubio7 Nova Scotia @johnklymko Nunavut @ Ontario @jeremyhussell Prince Edward Island @bobharding Quebec @jeremyhussell Saskatchewan @acclivity Yukon @sydcannings
Taxa included in :
Syrphidae @trinaroberts (Toxomerini @jane41 Syrphini @trinaroberts Bacchini @trinaroberts Paragini @trinaroberts Pipizini @phycus Merodontini @trinaroberts Milesiini @trinaroberts Eristalini @acclivity Volucellini @trinaroberts Rhingiini @johnklymko Brachyopini @trinaroberts Microdontinae @edanko ) Pyrgotidae @spencerpote Calliphoridae @edanko Polleniidae @edanko
I think it might be interesting to keep trying this over the next few months to encourage identifiers and see if there are any interesting patterns. Colder winter weather should bring some changes.
Top identifiers were identified using a search as per