iNatters in Action

Those of you who follow LLELA on Facebook will know some of this story already, but I wanted to be sure to thank our tireless volunteers and showcase how useful iNaturalist is!

This year, an injured Caracara was found way out of range in Arkansas. It was rehabilitated for several months, radio tagged, and released. It quickly made its way West, flying through NE Texas to Aubrey, then Denton, then Lewisville. The researcher studying this Caracara sent word to TPWD, who alerted LLELA’s Director Ken Steigman, who told me. I got the word out via Facebook, Mike Fox got the word out via LLELA’s iNaturalist page, and the hunt was on! (The “hunt" for photographs and data, of course.)

Thanks to dedicated volunteers willing to search for hours across several days, we have not one but TWO entries on iNaturalist for the Caracara! This was a species never before documented at LLELA.

I think it’s of particular interest that the coordinates given to us by the GPS locator on the bird match exceptionally well with the in-person sightings of our on-the-ground iNaturalists. It’s also great that our naturalists were able to provide not only a cool flight shot, but evidence that the Caracara was finding food to eat. This is wonderful information for the researcher to have.

This was GREAT teamwork and tenacity, and gave a researcher very valuable information. Well done, iNatters!
• Here is a map of a few of the original GPS coordinates from the researcher:
• Here is Mike Fox’s iNaturalist entry:
• Here is Larry Brennan’s iNaturalist entry:
• Here is the photo we shared via LLELA’s Facebook page (and the enthusiastic comments beneath):
The latest GPS data show that the Caracara has moved away from LLELA toward western Lewisville, possibly because the water level of the river is so high now (due to human-made adjustments of Lewisville Lake). Keep your eyes peeled… you never know when you might see an outlier species at LLELA or in your neighborhood.

And you never know when you’ll hear fascinating nature news on iNaturalist (or LLELA’s Facebook) and be able to participate in Citizen Science!

Erin Taylor
Nature Programs Coordinator

Publicado el diciembre 13, 2015 03:44 TARDE por mchlfx mchlfx


This is fantastic. Love it! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace casi 9 años

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