WHA Lorikeet paralysis syndrome FS update

Hi everyone,

Firstly I would like to thank everyone for their dedication to the project this year. After the unprecedented number of LPS cases in February and March we received a huge increase in both members and observations which was fantastic! We have reached 226 members and 454 observations! What an amazing achievement in such a short space of time.

For those that do not know, Wildlife Health Australia (WHA) is the independent coordinating body for wildlife health in Australia. One of the many things WHA does is produce and regularly update Fact Sheets which contain brief, factual information on a wide range of diseases, both infectious and non-infectious, that impact Australian wildlife and feral animals. There are approximately 150 Fact Sheets available on their website - https://wildlifehealthaustralia.com.au/Resource-Centre/Fact-Sheets.

They have recently updated their Fact Sheet on Lorikeet paralysis syndrome which includes information on the recent outbreak, the veterinary, wildlife hospital and rehabilitator response, and WHA assistance. You can find this factsheet through either of these links:

For more information on WHA see https://wildlifehealthaustralia.com.au/Our-Work/What-We-Do

Thank-you to everyone for your continued interest in the project and we look forward to seeing more of your observations. Stay safe and happy Rainbow lorikeet spotting!

Lauren, David, Maya, Holly

Publicado el mayo 8, 2024 01:43 MAÑANA por lozb97 lozb97


Hi, sorry I live a little south of the study area. But have now had a couple of paralysed lorikeets in my yard, 2 months apart and both on the ground near an alamanda blanchetii. FAWNA rescued.

Publicado por friendoftheuniverse hace 4 meses

Thank you for this information @friendoftheuniverse . This is a species that has not been previously identified. If you ever see rainbow lorikeets feeding on plants in your area, please consider making an observation to the project.

Publicado por lozb97 hace 4 meses

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