
Dear top millipede identifiers (@szucsich, @derhennen, @doppelhans) and gonopod observers (@cedric_lee, @cynthia_c, @rowan_clarke, @handycoordination, @ldvn, @rafael_carbonell),

This is a new project called 'Millipede gonopods'. Please see the About section on the project's main page for an introduction to the project's aims. If this is something that interests you, please consider joining the project and adding suitable observations to it.

Best regards,

James K. Douch

Publicado el febrero 27, 2024 11:27 MAÑANA por douch douch


Sounds great, trying to get more into Millipedes myself. I'll be adding mine whenever I can.

Thanks for creating this project ! :)

Publicado por ldvn hace 5 meses

Is a good idea to have a gonopod reference collection, in cases can be useful to compare with. Is it allowed all kind of genital structures of Myriapod identification? I have detailed pictures of Lithobius and Himantariella.

Publicado por rafael_carbonell hace 5 meses

"Is it allowed all kind of genital structures of Myriapod identification?"

@rafael_carbonell The project is currently set so that only millipedes are allowed. Of course, I could change this setting and I'm not opposed to doing so, but I'd like to avoid scope-creep unless there's a good reason. In my understanding there's less of a need for it because: (1) Centipede gonopods are large and visible from a dorsal perspective, so most observations show them. (2) Other centipede reproductive structures play an important but less central role in centipede ID than gonopods do in millipede ID. (3) Centipedes are far less speciose than millipedes, so their ID is inherently easier. I welcome being corrected, though.

Publicado por douch hace 5 meses

@romerorjuanc, you may be interested to see this project.

Publicado por douch hace 5 meses

@douch, understood, better to keep the project as it is. Somebody else can create a specific project for Centipedes.

Publicado por rafael_carbonell hace 5 meses

Nice idea. But I don't know how it will work. Shall we post pictures of gonopods or how?

Publicado por doppelhans hace 5 meses

Yeah – for example, have a look at this observation or any of the other observations within this project.

Publicado por douch hace 5 meses

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