Pelican attacks in our region

Merry, happy eve eve.

In case you haven't heard, here's some intel on brown pelican attacks in the southland (MDR & Ventura). Smells like malicious fishermen.

My camera went on strike the day before I returned to LA. Good to be back and it'll be even better when I have a lens to lead me around sparsely populated nature zones!

Be safe in the hot zone, amigas.

Publicado el diciembre 23, 2020 05:31 TARDE por redrovertracy redrovertracy


Happy holidays to all, wild women! That’s so horrible about the pelicans. And I’m sure it’s fishermen. I think there have been problems with cormorants too on occasion.

Sorry your camera went on the blink Tracy...I’d be lost without mine! The trails seem busier this week and will probably remain that way next week too, so let’s keep looking for those places no one goes! May the new year bring many more observations and hopefully rain!

Publicado por naturephotosuze hace casi 4 años

Welcome back, Tracy, and jingle those bells, dear Wild Women!
Such a terrible story about the pelicans. I hope the pelican slashers will be caught quickly so this stops.
As to rain, I got into a couple of nice downpours today, hallelujah! What a relief.
Sending hugs,

Publicado por andreacala hace casi 4 años

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