
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Reptilia Squamata Serpentes Colubridae Aeluroglena Aeluroglena cucullata

Taxonomic notes: The monotypic genus Aeluroglena is very similar to Meizodon and further research may eventually show it to be indistinguishable (Largen pers. comm. 2008).


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Geographic Range

This species appears to be known from just five specimens, all taken in the arid lowlands of northern Somalia (West Galbeed and Toghdeer regions - Lanza 1990), though two were obtained very close to the border with Ethiopia (Largen and Spawls 2010). It has been collected at an elevation of around 700 m asl (Largen and Spawls 2010). The habitat between known localities is continuous, and the species is probably widespread between the known sites.


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One of the five known individuals was discovered at an elevation of about 700 m above sea level, in an area of sandy ground clothed with trees and bushes (Largen and Spawls 2010).


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There is no population abundance information available for this poorly-known species. Only five specimens have been recorded.


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Use Trade

There is no use or trade in this species.


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It is unknown whether this species is being impacted upon by any major threat process, however it is probably widespread in a dry area where the semi-desert habitat is unlikely to be subject to major threats.


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Specific Threats


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    Conservation Actions

    There are no known species-specific conservation measures in place for this species. It is not known if the species is present within any protected areas. Further research on the taxonomy, distribution, population, habitat preferences, and threats to this species should be carried out.


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    Specific Actions


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      Red List Rationale

      Aeluroglena cucullata has been assessed as Data Deficient, because it is only known from a few specimen. There is no population information and the full extent of the species' distribution is yet unknown. Further research is therefore needed before a more accurate assessment of the conservation status of this species can be carried out.


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      • Lanza, B. 1990. Amphibians and reptiles of the Somali Democratic Republic: checklist and biogeography. Biogeographica: 407-465.
      • Largen, M. and Spawls, S. 2010. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
      • Parker, H.W. 1949. The snakes of Somaliland and the Sokotra Islands. Zoologische Verhandelingen 6: 1-115.


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