Reptile Bioblitz!!!

Hello everyone!
April 2-April 10 will be the start of the annual Reptile Bioblitz!
The winner will be decided by amount of species observed. Photos of a reptile alive or dead in South Carolina during the time stated above.
Good luck and have fun.

P.s. Race for the Summer Tanager begins soon!

Best, Luke


Publicado el abril 1, 2024 06:23 TARDE por wildlife13 wildlife13


Right up my alley, but I'll be out of state for most of the week! Good luck to all participating!

Publicado por pwilson96 hace 4 meses

I do plan on hosting this as a every other month event. So we will have one in April, June, and August.
Have a great time!

Publicado por wildlife13 hace 4 meses

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