Celebrating five years of State Parks NatureFinder

The State Parks NatureFinder project was created in May 2015 to gather biodiversity data from Colorado's State Parks. Five years later, we could think of no better way to celebrate than to highlight some project stats and recent observations! To everyone who has contributed to this project, THANK YOU!

So far in 2020, 201 iNat users have made 1,288 observations of 428 species in state parks. Of those observations, 811 (that's 63%!!) have reached Research Grade.
Mule Deer and Common Starlilies are the most observed species, with 19 observations each, followed by Bald Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks, Mountain Bluebirds, Boreal Chorus Frogs, Woodhouse's Toads, Prairie Bluebells, and Prairie Pasqueflowers, with 14 observations each.

With 80 observations posted to the project this year, Barbra Schuessler Sobhani (barbra1) has contributed the most observations in 2020. This includes her May 10 observation of Prairie Bluebells from Roxborough State Park:

Bobcat, John Martin Reservoir State Park, observed by Steven Mlodinow (mlodinow) on January 11:

Spotted Towhee, Roxborough State Park, observed by addison_haight on May 1:

Whipple Cholla, Navajo State Park, observed by Andy Butler (andyps) on April 1:

Western Tanager, Cherry Creek State Park, observed by Ken Wat (ken47) on May 11:

Plains Spadefoot, Chatfield State Park, observed by Joey Kellner (vireo) on May 2:

Broadbeard Beardtongue, John Martin Reservoir State Park, observed by Richard Bunn (rbunn) on May 13:

Hoary Comma, Lory State Park, observed by Austin B. (austinlep5288) on April 27:

Prairie Lizard, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, observed by Mark Krist (markkrist) on April 26:

Johnson's Jumping Spider, Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area, observed by Jerry DeBoer (jerry_deboer) on May 3:

Publicado el mayo 13, 2020 07:42 TARDE por coparksandwildlife coparksandwildlife


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