Taxonomic Swap 116350 (Guardado el 03/11/2022)

Per Luo L. et al. (2022), the first comprehensive MtDNA analysis of the subfamily Eumeninae demonstrates that Zethinae is a valid subfamily and a sister taxon to the Vespinae and Polistinae.

First Comprehensive Analysis of Both ... (Referencia)
Añadido por humanbyweight el noviembre 3, 2022 10:35 TARDE | Comprometido por humanbyweight el 03 de noviembre de 2022
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Why is the article cited as Carpenter J.M. et al. (2022)? Must be Luo L. et al. (2022). Is there any disdain for China here?

Publicado por ilia_ogol hace más de 1 año

@ilia_ogol I apologize! This was an unintentional error. I did not see Luo listed as the first author because I was reading quickly and there was no profile photo in front on ResearchGate. I only saw 3 authors. I will try to correct this.

Publicado por humanbyweight hace más de 1 año

@ilia_ogol Thank you for catching that!

Publicado por humanbyweight hace más de 1 año

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