Taxonomic Merge 58285 (Guardado el 27/06/2019)

Añadido por bouteloua el junio 7, 2019 05:38 TARDE | Comprometido por bouteloua el 27 de junio de 2019
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FWIW, while I appreciate the discussion in the flag comments, and the fact that you performed such thorough consultation before committing this, I'd also appreciate a brief description here in the taxon change record about why this is happening, and some sourcing, e.g. here the source should probably be Amphibian Species of the World, but mentioning might be worth it too. Not everyone is willing to delve into an extensive discussion thread, and the only content that gets shared on dashboards and in emails is the taxon change description.

Publicado por kueda hace alrededor de 5 años

I agree more info would be better, but I only have so much time. Feel free to edit any of my taxon changes in draft or after committing.

Publicado por bouteloua hace alrededor de 5 años

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