A number of invertebrates and pathogens have been purposefully introduced to New Zealand to help control weeds.

This is a draft checklist of those species based on several national science institute websites, especially Landcare Research.

For completeness, we have included agents that were purposefully released in Australia and then naturally dispersed to New Zealand (like the echium leaf miner moth, Dialectica scalariella, and the blackberry rust, Phragmidium violaceum).

Currently missing from this list are two undescribed species, the Tradescantia fungus Kordyana sp. and the boneseed leafroller Tortrix s.l. sp. "chrysanthemoides".

For more information on biological control of weeds, see http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/science/plants-animals-fungi/plants/weeds/biocontrol

Vida - Photo (c) Eryn Blaire, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA) Lista de comprobación para Vida (Vida)
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jon_sullivan Añadido por jon_sullivan el December 08, 2015