Bild 5: 10 TS = 1,02 mm
Bild 6 - 7: 10 TS = 0,4 mm
Bild 9: Lack-Abdruck im Durchlicht (nach der in Reichert 2023 geschilderten Methode)
Bilder 3, 4 und 9: Fokus-Stacking mit Hilfe der Software Picolay
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Bulakh, E.; Shevera, M.; Szkudlarz, P.; Bulakh, P. Y.; Celka, Z. (2022): Іdentification of New Taxa of Portulaca oleracea L. Aggregate From Poland Based on Seed Coat Micromorphological Characteristics. – Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 91, 1-14.
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KOBIERSKI P., RYŚ R. 2017. Rozmieszczenie wybranych taksonów roślin naczyniowych na obszarze powiatu żarskiego (zachodnia Polska). Przegląd Przyrodniczy XXVIII, 1: 3–42.
RYŚ R. & KOBIERSKI P. 2019. Materiały do flory południowo-zachodniej części województwa lubuskiego. s. 120. FloraKob, Lubsko.
🇨🇿 Mírný svah (JV orientace) pod koncem hřbetu z krystalického vápence. Tři rostliny, jedna kvetoucí, dvě již z větší části odkvetlé. Mezi větším množstvím Orchis maculata ssp. speciosa.
🇬🇧 Gentle slope (SE orientation) under the end of a crystalline limestone ridge. Three plants, one blooming, two more or less past blooming . Among a larger number of Orchis maculata ssp. speciosa.
KOBIERSKI P., PIOTROWSKI R. & RYŚ R. 2021. Materiały do flory południowo-zachodniej części województwa lubuskiego, część III. s. 108. FloraKob, Lubsko.
KOBIERSKI P., RYŚ R. & PIOTROWSKI R. 2020. Materiały do flory południowo-zachodniej części województwa lubuskiego, część II. s. 82. FloraKob, Lubsko.
🇨🇿 Roste ze břehů potoka, místy i mimo tekoucí vodu. Místo je známé a poměrně snadno přístupné, podobných míst je na Hradčanském potoce vícero.
🇬🇧 Grows from the stream banks, in places outside of flowing water. The place is known and relatively easily accesible, there are many similar places on the Hradčanský brook.
BIP Excursion 2023 to Subarctic Finland and la Réunion
🇬🇧 With turions. A small dry puddle among Carex sp. growth. The only place I saw this bladderwort, otherwise there was a lot of U. minor agg. The area is a bottom of an empty fishpond (the last photo).
I do assume this is Dryopteris remota upon the leaves' shape and darkened stipe base of pinnae.
Since i took so many photos of this unusual fern, it's all but easy to select just a few to show here. I was surprised and delighted to see the fern growing abundantly in the cracks of the serpentine rocks. So this is a most important population at the border of the species' native range. This site is surely something very special, at least in Austria.
The main population of the rare fern is located within the protected NSG Gurhofgraben, where it grows in large numbers upon the serpentine rocks. I could find just a few scattered examples upon rocks to the NE of the NSG (Naturschutz-Gebiet), N of the Mitterbach. The unusual fern is strictly protected by the law, apart of that one could not separate these plants from the substrate without destroying them, and these ferns had no chance to survive.
The main population of the rare fern is located within the protected NSG Gurhofgraben, where it grows in large numbers upon the serpentine rocks. I could find just a few scattered examples upon rocks to the NE of the NSG (Naturschutz-Gebiet), N of the Mitterbach. The unusual fern is strictly protected by the law, apart of that one could not separate these plants from the substrate without destroying them, and these ferns had no chance to survive.