Fotos / Sonidos




Diciembre 2023


[several photos]
I was a bit surprised (but pleased) to find a small colony of Putty Root stems while out for a December walk! I didn't count meticulously but there were at least ~10 or more stems intermixed in the leaf litter in a Sugar Maple-dominant deciduous forest (with tulip trees nearby). Really nice to see! I haven't had much opportunity to observe this species.

I didn't have a decent GPS but I estimated centroid/accuracy with my phone. The geoprivacy is obscured anyway because I'm generally paranoid when it comes to orchids.


Aplectrum hyemale - Photo (c) Crystal J Rust, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Crystal J Rust
Identificación de danstuart: Aplectrum hyemale, un miembro de Orquídeas Epífitas (Tribu Epidendreae)
Añadido el 31 diciembre 2023
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Fotos / Sonidos


Col Fétida (Symplocarpus foetidus)




Marzo 2023


[several photos]
A Skunk Cabbage in bloom (or perhaps slightly past prime blooming time), within a thicket swamp in the perimeter wetlands of the Minesing Wetland Complex. Species not typical of the region overall, but known from this specific locale, and sort of a treat to have nearby.

Observed along the edge of the TransCanada Trail/Ganaraska Trail/Simcoe Rail Trail.

Col Fétida - Photo (c) Clare Dellwo Cole, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Clare Dellwo Cole
Identificación de danstuart: Col Fétida (Symplocarpus foetidus)
Añadido el 27 marzo 2023
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  • 2 IDs efectuadas por otros