Archivos de diario de abril 2024

09 de abril de 2024

Ohio Gall Meetup Spring 2024 - NE Ohio

Hello all!

I am planning on having at least a couple group gall hunts in Ohio this year. Last year we had one in central Ohio and had an absolute blast (at least I did), you can look back through my previous posts for details.

In an attempt to spread things out so others may be able to attend I am planning to have at least 2 meetups this year in NE and SW Ohio.
I am tentatively looking at the following dates and locations
May 25th, 2024, 1-~4PM - Jackson Bog State Nature Preserve, Massillon, OH. One of the coolest sites in NE Ohio (IMO) with lots of plant and gall diversity. Should be just about peak for spring oak gall wasps and perhaps late enough to catch some galls on swamp rose as well.

September, TBD, 2024. SW Ohio, thinking about the Greene County fens (Siebenthaler, Pearls) as a potential site but open to suggestions.

I will try to keep up with communication a little better this year so I am not reminding people at the last minute.

Please let me know below if this is something you would be interested in this year.

Tagging people who may be interested, have participated in the past or are on the Ohio Gall Leaderboards. I don't want to spam so indicate your interest below if you want to be tagged in future updates (you can specify spring/fall if you are only interested in one or the other).

Feel free to tag other who may be interested (or invite people who are not on iNat).

@cladonia_chris @edisoncigany @lo-am @whateverwatcher @srmyers @rcurtis @bunnymom20 @kristendiesburg @darth_schrader @schurchin @greenscenery @kemper @chelsealynne @rogue_biologist @erinhenson @bwhiteley @mhincz @leezeca @tylbrooks1998 @jenniferc3 @wetlandfan @drink_more_water @hikingohio @wildlydistracted @chia @cjcgreatparks

Publicado el abril 9, 2024 09:08 TARDE por calconey calconey | 16 comentarios | Deja un comentario