Just a place to gather random URLs and information on Lantana, information for my own future reference.
Lantana bahamensis
Habit: Lantana bahamensis grows as a medium size shrub 1- 2 meters in height. The leaves are arranged oppositely with a crenulated leaf margin. The leaves are about 1.5 - 2 cm long. While the stem becomes woody the species does not form large trunks.
The flower is zygomorphic with a 2 lobed calyx. The corolla is 5 lobed and orange turning reddish with age. The fruit is a drupe that turns black and shiny at maturity. The flowers are arranged in a corymb.
Habitat: Lantana bahamensis grows in disturbed areas along roads and old farm areas as well as sporadically through out the Dry Broadleaf Evergreen Formations (Coppice) in both limestone and sand substrates.
Distribution: Lantana bahamensis grows through out all of the islands of the Bahamas as well as in parts of Cuba.
Cultural usage: There are many cultural uses of Lantana bahamensis and a closely related species L involucrata. The leaves are often boiled for use in strengthening and aphrodisiac teas as well as to treat types of dermatitis (added to bath water). They have also been used in the horticultural trade as a landscape plant because of their beautiful flowers and pleasant smelling leaves.
Lantana balsamifera
Habit: Lantana balsamifera grows as a low shrub up to 0.5 m in height spreading to form low mounds. New vegetation is pubescent. The leaves are arranged oppositely, up to 1 cm long/wide, round, with crenulate leaf margins, and an attenuate leaf base.
The zygomorphic, perfect, complete flowers are arranged in a cymose fashion with involucral bracts. The calyx has 4 fused greenish sepals. The zygomorphic corolla has 4 fused, white to pink petals with a yellow center. There are 4 stamens that are fused to the corolla. The ovary is superior, two-celled, and becomes a drupe at maturity.
Habitat: Lantana balsamifera grows in Silver top palm dominated Dry Broadleaf Evergreen formation - Woodland (coppice).
Distribution in Bahamas/Globally: Lantana balsamifera is endemic to the Bahamian Archipelago occurring in the southern and central Bahamas.
Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage: Lantana balsamifera is not used medicinally in the Bahamas.
Lantana × callowiana
Lantana camara, Lantana strigocamera
suggests that many global L. camara plants should be Lantana × strigocamara. Abaxial hair lengths and characteristics. Differences might be too subtle to determine photographically. "the identity of individual specimens constituting the hybrid plexus found growing outside cultivation today cannot be unraveled by morphology alone, and it maybe recalcitrant even to molecular genome analysis" (Sanders, 2012, https://sci-hub.tw/https://www.jstor.org/stable/41972430)
Lantana camara confetti
See also: https://gpnmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Lantana-Havana-Sunrise-Dummen-Orange-copy-800x413.jpg
Lantana camaras that are florally similar to L. urticoides
Lantana canescens
Lantana demutata
Habit: Lantana demutata grows as a low shrub up to 2 m in height. New vegetation is pubescent. The leaves are arranged oppositely, up to 1 cm long/wide, on the upper half, an abrupt leaf base, a crenulate leaf margins. They are round and very aromatic.
The zygomorphic, perfect, complete flowers are arranged in a cymose fashion with involucral bracts. The calyx has 4 fused greenish sepals. The zygomorphic corolla has 4 fused white petals with a yellow center. There are 4 stamens that are fused to the corolla. The ovary is superior, two-celled, and becomes a blue drupe at maturity.
Habitat: Lantana demutata grows in Silver top palm dominated Dry Broadleaf Evergreen formation - Woodland (coppice).
Distribution in Bahamas/Globally: Lantana demutata is endemic to the Bahamian Archipelago occurring in the central and northern Bahamas.
Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage: Lantana demutata is not used medicinally in the Bahamas.
The flowers are very attractive to butterflies and the fruits for birds. L. demutata does well in coastal areas and could be used in the horticultural industry.
Lantana depressa
"While the native pineland shrub verbena (L. depressa var. depressa) always produces bright yellow flowers, if it hybridizes with L. camara, the flowers may be the same yellow and the plant might pass for the native.... He says there are certainly hybrids out in natural areas, but a couple of identifying clues are in the leaves: native pineland shrub verbena’s foliage is tapered as it meets the stem, or petiole, while Lantana camara’s leaves flare out towards the base. The native’s leaves also tend to roll inwards at the leaf margins, while camara’s are flat."
Lantana horrida, Lantana urticoides, Lantana × urticoides
Informative commentary on these species: https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/267442
Lantana horrida and Lantana urticoides as synonymous and are thus both "Texas lantana"
https://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=laur2 Lantana urticoides Hayek
Lantana horrida, Lantana urticoides as separate species
http://theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-108080 Lantana horrida Kunth is an accepted name
http://theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-108340 Lantana urticoides Hayek is an accepted name
Lantana horrida, Lantana × urticoides as separate species
http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:863305-1 Lantana horrida Kunth This species is accepted
http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:135351-2 Lantana × urticoides Hayek This species is accepted
Lantana × urticoides is Texas lantana
Lantana × urticoides images
"Time spent in the Devil's River/Del Rio/Amistad area in the past year allowed us to see native Lantana urticoides in its natural setting, far from any L. camara influence."
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=405&subview=grid&taxon_id=164425 Posted by gcwarbler
RG only: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=405&quality_grade=research&subview=grid&taxon_id=164425
Detailed views including bractlet shape spatulate: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/8761492
"I don't usually go by leaf shape, per se, but rather by the relative size and number of the teeth on the margins. Here the teeth are pretty prominent and number about 7 or 8 on each side of the leaf. In true L. camara, the number of teeth typically range from 12 to 20+ and are much smaller. I've also added an additional image which shows the linear-lanceolate to spatulate bractlets under the individual flowers on this L. urticoides, a key feature mentioned in the N-C Flora." - gcwarbler
"...the teeth are pretty prominent and number about 8 to 10 on each side of the leaf, so that is going to put this in L. urticoides! In true L. camara, the number of teeth typically range from 12 to 20+ and are much smaller. There is certainly variation (and probably hybridization) in horticultural varieties. I may go back to this plant and look at the shape of the bractlets under the flowers." - gcwarbler https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/8830775
See also: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/16070813
Lantana montevidensis
http://latejanatreesales.com/plants/perennials/lantana/ includes "purple" and white "alba" variants
Oranges may be Lantana camara cultivars
Peaches may be Lantana camara cultivars
Lantana rugosa
Conical purple fruited with long almost lanceolate leaves. Extant in Africa if not globally.
Lantana trifolia "popcorn" cultivar
A purple-lavender fruited variety
Lantana undulata
Flowers light violet some with yellowish-white throat
Whites and near whites
Lantana achranthyfolia Desf. http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:324301-2
Lantana hirta Graham http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30105602-2
Lantana involucrata L. http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:135206-2
Lantana macropoda Torr. synonymous to Lantana achyranthifolia http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:863345-1
Lantana undulata Schrank http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:863474-1
Lantana velutina M.Martens & Galeotti http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:863478-1
"L. velutina has leaves with highly-textured upper surfaces and small, rounded teeth along the leaf margins. L. achyranthifolia doesn't have that visual texture on the upper side of the leaves and the marginal teeth are a bit bigger and pointed, not rounded. L. achyranthifolia is also a good deal more common in this area than L. velutina." - joshua_tx comment on an observation made is Los Álamos 812, Los Álamos, 26240 Cd Acuña, Coah., México.
iNaturalist range data for whites
L. achyranthifolia and L. velutina are primarily identified in the main body of Mexico with some spread north and south, but a clear focus in Mexico.
L. involucrata is primarily identified coastal Yucatan, coastal Florida, and the coastal Caribbean islands
L. hirta, L. macropoda, and L. undulata are rare identifications with L. undulata being a single Brazilian ID.
White camaras away from native range may be L. camara cultivars
The monocolor inflorescence suggests this is the New Gold Lantana cross. New Gold was developed at Texas A&M, so the location of this plant in Texas is not surprising.
TL;DR: Thoughts on distinguishing from a photograph the various Lantanas including Lantana camara, Lantana horrida, and Lantana × urticoides; especially in locations where their ranges overlap and other thoughts on the complex Lantana complex.
I have read the comments at https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/267442 and read, with a sense of despair as voiced in that flag, https://sci-hub.tw/https://www.jstor.org/stable/41972430.
"As suggested by Sanders (2006), the identity of individual specimens constituting the hybrid plexus found growing outside cultivation today cannot be unraveled by morphology alone, and it maybe recalcitrant even to molecular genome analysis," suggests that photography alone cannot sort these out (Sanders, 2012, https://sci-hub.tw/https://www.jstor.org/stable/41972430).
I rather lost hope when the author noted, "On the other hand, if one considered the differences in length of the adaxialeaf-surface trichomes an inadequate species criterion ad submerged L. hórrida within L. camara , then subsp. glandulosissima would need to be segregated as a distinct species." and yet also noted " Lantana camara subsp. glandulosissima differs from subsp. camara only in the strong development of stipitate glands in place of filiform hairs on twigs, peduncles, petioles, and leaf surfaces and in the longer bracts and corollas. Because the development of glandular hairs is variable within several other taxa in sect. Lantana, this trait is viewed as insufficient grounds for recognition at the species level."
When I step back and think about this more broadly, the key feature of L. camara is that the plant is rather variable in appearance which may reflect soils, environment, climate, and broad variability among individuals. I am left thinking that a position noted early in the paper, and then discarded, "While some workers might prefer the convenience of recognizing a single highly variable species, Lantana camara L.,..." is perhaps the most reasonable place to retreat to for Lantana.
The answer seems to be that one cannot photographically distinguish Lantana horrida and Lantana × urticoides, they may vary in response to soil, climate, pests, and other factors such that the range of physical forms overlap. The strong smell of L. horrida or the length/type of abaxial hairs may be a response to the environment. At the end of the day one is left noting that this might be a splitting/lumping issue with the emotional desires of not losing names that have historical value.
This is also why, for me personally, I do not identify to Lantana strigocamara nor Lantana × strigocamara. This determination seems to require identification of the strigose hairs on the underside of the leaf. A fall back position of automatically identifying Lantana camaras not found in their native range as Lantana × strigocamara feels artificial, a circular loop that reinforces itself without observable differences.
One could retreat to the position that the situation is hopeless and that one should leave every Lantana in the "confusing complex" at the Genus level. Yet something in me rebels at tossing in the towel that way. I work in other languages that can look at a plant and name the plant, with stability, reliability, and repeatability. That science cannot name a plant by seeing the plant feels inadequate, and naming to the Genus feels incomplete. Too, range maps at the genus level for lantana would tell one nothing about the ongoing global spread of invasive L. camara/L. strigocamara. One wants meaningful range maps for the complex. Thus I arrive at identifying L. camara outside of its native range as L. camara.
That said, misidentifying a non-camara as an L. camara will not have a significant impact on the L. camara range map. Misidentifying a camara as a less common lantana would have a disproportionately larger impact on the range map, especially if the number of observations is small (there are Lantanas with only a single observation. That is, there is less harm in identifying in error to L. camara than identifying in error to rarer species. And the proliferation of commercial variants of L. camara predate Linnaeus.
Someday perhaps our photographic equipment will use bandwidths of non-visible light to reveal characteristics that allow identification with more assurance. Or smartphones with portable DNA analysis capability... the proverbial Star Trek Tricorder.
I realize I am in error and am likely to be shot down but then Taxonomy is described sometimes as a science and sometimes as an art, but really it’s a battleground - Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
"Lantana is in the throes of an identity crisis. Linnaeus (1753) described briefly, in Latin, prickle-less, red-or-yellow-flowered Lantana Camara [sic],and prickly, red-flowered L. aculeata from an array of garden and horticulturally-selected plants taken from gardens in Europe (although he stated their habitat to be tropical America). " Alan Urban 2011
Urban goes on to support the concept that the globally invasive, weedy Lantana is not Lantana camara but rather a hybrid that should be identified as Lantana strigocamara or Lantana × strigocamara. In this he agrees with Roger Sanders 2006.
"Linnaeus’ concept of L. camara was developed from an array of cultivated and horticulturally selected plants." - Roger Sanders, 2006. Roger refers to this as a broad Linnaean concept.
In the Lantana complex with only a glimpse of the leaf margin, I am left with the flower color as a guide, a rather weak fall back position. I must admit to finding an affinity for what may have been Linnaeus' position as outlined in Roger Sanders 2006 paper as being a broad definition of the species.