Archivos de diario de octubre 2017

16 de octubre de 2017

Menagerie in my kitchen

I am now raising 3 Anise butterflies (eating fennel), one pupating, 7 Giant Swallowtail butterflies (eating fennel although I've been told that is very rare, and citrus leaves.
I also have a leaf with eggs on it that I haven't yet ID'd.

Milkweed plants are mostly Tropical milkweed plants, and all have been cut back, and will be given away to someone who isn't allergic. The will leaf out in time for February Monarchs.

Our Monarch population here in Southern California are residents, having adapted over time to living in a vacation type area. They have it all...milkweed plants (including natives), and a lot of nectar plants.

I finally dug up some fennel plants in an area where these plants are sprayed with pesticides, so any caterpillar that hatches on it will die when it eats the plant. So the fennel plants are rescues as well and are potted to grow in my backyard.

Weather is finally our hot fall days, no rain, winds, and fires all down the state.

Publicado el octubre 16, 2017 05:07 TARDE por iamscout iamscout | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
