20 de enero de 2024

Macroinvertebrate Blitz Feb 24th at TRAC!

Wanted to let y'all know about a program happening at Trinity River Audubon Center on February 24th at 10:30am to iNat as many aquatic macroinvertebrates as we can!

I've noticed that despite us looking at macros all the time with students on field trips, there's a pretty low number of inat observations of these lil guys in our area! So this is a great chance to get in on the fun and hopefully do a little bit more serious ID work. It can be difficult to get to species level on most of these, but I'm hoping with some good pics (we'll have some microscopes, and if you have a macro lens bring it!) and the help of some specialists on here we can knock out a few, and definitely get to genus on more!

I think it'll be a great time, if you know anyone who you think would have fun or who might be able to help with IDs please tag/invite them to come out!

You can sign up to attend here: https://trinityriver.audubon.org/events/aquatic-bioblitz

@acjci @annikaml @sambiology @baxter-slye @wildcarrot @cgritz @kimberlietx @sam_moore_ @assmann @peywey @keep-tx-wild @scarletskylight @aidancampos @tadamcochran @galactic_bug_man @brentano @jimenavivanco @nancylovesbugs @devinpedraza @isaaceastland

Publicado el enero 20, 2024 02:59 TARDE por nathanmayflower nathanmayflower | 27 comentarios | Deja un comentario
