05 de agosto de 2024

Preprint of the preliminary studies and observations conducted during last years in Campania, Italy

Preprint of the preliminary studies and observations conducted during last years in Campania, Italy:

Exploration of Fungal Biodiversity in Campania through iNaturalist Data May 2024 by Dr. Naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta

This study explores the fungal biodiversity of the Campania region using data collected through the online platform iNaturalist. The results highlight the significant contribution of observers and identifiers to documenting the mycological richness of the region. Additionally, comparing iNaturalist data with official information on fungal biodiversity reveals potential discrepancies, suggesting the need to establish guidelines for future research and conservation efforts.
Link : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/380433881_Exploration_of_Fungal_Biodiversity_in_Campania_through_iNaturalist_Data?fbclid=IwY2xjawEbaz5leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHTeaRgXToFVvcDWbatve7XfLoMANKlTUm8ruJXcffG81W0EYa0TukCUFaQ_aem_3WmlAiQpkigsRd_GSWTAkA#fullTextFileContent

welcome to support and be part of the Project MicoBioDiversitá Campana: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/micobiodiversita-campana
Fabio Mao Valletta

Publicado el agosto 5, 2024 06:12 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de noviembre de 2023

Results of technical and naturalistic observations made by Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta and the "Psilosoma Project" into the National Park Durmitor Montenegro during the period 12-17/11/ 2023

Preliminary results of technical and naturalistic observations made by Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta into the National Park Durmitor Montenegro during the period 12-17/11/ 2023: The aim of this research is to contribute to document the biodiversity of Durmitor National Park, focusing on fungi, plants, and animals. The findings are intended to provide a baseline for future research, inform conservation efforts. It also seeks to iden-tify human and environmental pressures on the park to provide practical conservation recommenda-tions. Conservation recommendations include enhancing research, monitoring human impact, and engaging local communities through educational workshops, citizen science projects, and eco-tourism initiatives. Future research directions emphasize longitudinal studies, advanced technology utilization, and interdisciplinary approaches. Overall, collaboration between researchers, local authorities, and the community is crucial for sustainable park management.
I declare: This is an indipendent research supported and subsidised from the author and the "Psilosoma Project". As it was not possible to verify the specificity of the taxons in situ with the appropriate scientific equipment and literature, this preliminary research needs further investigation in order to verify the accuracy of the data reported and the ID of the taxons reported into the checklist. The data contained in this indipendent research are therefore for information purposes, are freely usable for scientific and cultural purposes as well represent a research proposal for further investigations in cooperation with the author. Should the park or other entities be interested in a commercial use of these, please contact the author to establish the appropriate remuneration or research contract. A certificate was requested from the park regarding the research carried out and the corresponding permits required for the correct continuation of the work, such as the transport of some mycological samples for further study to realize in Italy.
Dr naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta head of the PsiloSoma Project
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10935.91044/1

mycology, #biodiversity, #wildlifephotography, #ecology, #management, #conservation #durmitornationalpark

Publicado el noviembre 17, 2023 01:09 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de noviembre de 2023

Support the PsiloSoma research and divulgation project

The "PsiloSoma research and divulgation project" fundraising campaign is starting. This fundraising campaign will contribute to achieve and boost further interesting results and publications, as well, to build up a more equipped moving lab and a working team with others micophyles and professionals, so that, while realizing observations, collecting and examining samples, we can perform other exploring missions, chemical analysis and divulge some interesting data, such as videos, pictures, documents, maps, trails, bivouacs, and events. Thanks for your support and parteciation with Mush Love Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta​ (@natural_mao) #shroom #psilocybin #mushrooms #research #naturalmao #psilocybe #PsiloSoma project #chorology #ethnomycology


Publicado el noviembre 11, 2023 03:48 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

08 de noviembre de 2023

BORNH Bulletin of Regional Natural History, 3(2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.6093/2724-4393/10411

Fabio Mao Valletta 2023. Contribution to the knowledge of two species of psilocybin mushrooms with high therapeutic potential found along the Central-Southern Apennines (Italy): Psilocybe serbica M.M. Moser & E. Horak and Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. Chorological observations BORNH Bulletin of Regional Natural History, 3(2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.6093/2724-4393/10411
The research on Psilocybe species distribution along the Mediterranean region, has led to new observations regarding two species of psilocybin mushrooms, with high medicinal potential, found along the Apennine mountains of central and southern Italy: Psilocybe serbica Moser & Horak and Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. New specimen collections, with ecological observations, from Italy as well as from Spain, France, Albania, and North Macedonia are reported here, extending the geographical distribution limits of these specie along the Mediterranean.
Keywords: Psilocybe, psychotropic mushrooms, chorology, ecology, Mediterranean
IT: Riassunto
La ricerca sulla distribuzione delle specie di Psilocybe lungo la regione mediterranea ha portato a nuove osservazioni su due specie di funghi psilocibinici, ad alto potenziale medicinale,
presenti lungo le montagne appenniniche dell'Italia centrale e meridionale: Psilocybe serbica Moser & Horak e Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. Vengono qui riportate nuove raccolte di esemplari, con osservazioni ecologiche, provenienti dall'Italia, dalla Spagna, dalla Francia, dall'Albania e dalla Macedonia del Nord, estendendo i limiti geografici di distribuzione di queste specie lungo il Mediterraneo.
ES: Resumen
La investigación sobre la distribución de las especies de Psilocybe a lo largo de la región mediterránea, ha llevado a nuevas observaciones sobre dos especies de hongos psilocibios, con un alto potencial medicinal, que se encuentran a lo largo de los Apeninos del centro y sur de Italia: Psilocybe serbica Moser & Horak y Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. Se presentan aquí nuevas colecciones de especímenes, con observaciones ecológicas, procedentes de Italia, así como de España, Francia, Albania y Macedonia del Norte, que amplían los límites de distribución geográfica de estas especies a lo largo del Mediterráneo.

Publicado el noviembre 8, 2023 12:36 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

31 de octubre de 2022

Southernmost Psilocybe in the Mediterranean

southernmost psilocybe in the Mediterranean whose presence I have personally verified are Psilocybe semilanceata in the Sierra Nevada Alpujarras, Granada, Spain at an altitude of around 2200m above sea level and P. semilanceata and P. serbica sampled in the Sila mountains in Calabria, Catanzaro, Italy around 1000m above sea level. In both cases the mushrooms were present in open spaces among coniferous forests.

Publicado el octubre 31, 2022 07:51 MAÑANA por naturalmao naturalmao | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de octubre de 2022

Psilosoma: mediterranean magic mushrooms

First official list of verified magic mushrooms around the mediterranean area.
Thanks to the expeditions of the naturalist Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (@naturalmao / #mao.valletta), who is focusing the "project PsiloSoma" and who belives that magic mushrooms are all around us just we need to know better their envirovments, biodiversity, chemistry and distribution. We can show a first official map of verified magic mushrooms around the mediterranean area.
You are welcome to follow, take part, and support the project PsiloSoma on this platform and we are on linkedin and Instagram too. A first video about this project of study and an invitation to cooperateon the Youtube channel "naturalmao" at link https://youtu.be/EXenHwH_TF8 ; hopefully we will make oder ones. You can stay in contact or follow the updates on that you tube channel, linkedin or instagram too. You can contact on the email psilosoma.project@gmail.com and, among other things, you can add your oservation to this project, send us samples to study, dinamyze data sharing, suggest species and envirovments around or invite us to explore the biodiversity of shrooms in your area.

Mush love
shroom #psilocybin #mushrooms #research #naturalmao

Publicado el octubre 13, 2022 06:31 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 34 observaciones | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario
