World Environment Day 2017

I participated in the Bioblitz, uploading 44 observations of 41 species, photographed between June 1-12, 2017. Most are commonly seen organisms that I've observed before in my hillside area, but I wanted them to be counted in this snapshot of life on Earth, this week in history.

23 of my species, 8 of which were not plants, were photographed in Walnut Canyon, on Haverhill Dr. The only new species for me there was Barn Owls, upon finding 2 feathers on the ground. There is a family of 3 in the neighborhood, apparently displacing the long-time resident GHO's, for a few weeks, although I still hear them hooting in the area sometimes, competing with the Barn Owl's raspy screeches and whistles. I have seen the Barn Owls through binoculars, at night, they do not have "ears" or "horns", and they fly on very long wings, but they are impossible for me to get good photos a distance in the dark.

21 species were recorded at my home on Division St, during the week, only 1 was a plant. 3 species here were new for me- Cliff Swallow, Mayflies, and Marine Blue Butterfly.

Publicado el junio 14, 2017 11:10 TARDE por crayonsss crayonsss


Fotos / Sonidos


Búho Cornudo (Bubo virginianus)




Junio 6, 2017


Found 2 feathers on ground. 3 Barn Owls have been staying in area, heard nightly, seems like 2 hunt, bring food to a 3rd one in tree. Since then, all have been flying around area, on extremely long wings, making their raspy squeaking sounds when in trees. They seem to have displaced the resident GHO's, at least for now, but I still hear them hooting sometimes at night, in distance.

Everyone else is right, I was wrong- we never had Barn owls in the neighborhood- it's just the GHO's making a horrible screeching- squawky noise.


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