Ponds on Witter Lane - after recent rain

I couldn't wait to get to the ponds to see how "refreshed" they might be in light of the good rain we had. At the beginning of the drive there was a Great Egret feeding in one of the ponds that had not quite dried up before the rain (North west part of property). On the other side of the road a little further south (what we call the turtle pond because we have counted almost 20 turtles sunning on logs in the past) was a Great Blue Heron.

After the turn to the west I observed another Great Egret and a Great Blue Heron on the far pond as well as a number - 20 or so ducks. They were too far away for this neophyte birder to id (and the binoculars kept fogging).

The "special" moment of the trip was the amazing flock of doves. I counted almost 200 in one tree. There were also doves along the utility wires, the fences, and in other trees. I have not see anything like that before. The majority of these doves were White-winged doves. I did not tarry as I gave up on the binos.

I also saw a couple of Mockingbirds, but didn't get any photos.

It was a relief to see some water in the ponds again as over half had dried up. It will take more rain to replenish all the ponds, but we should see a good deal of activity at the ponds for a while.

[Generally see one egret and one heron in this location. Have not seen the Belted Kingfisher that is often sited later in the day at the turtle pond]

Publicado el diciembre 19, 2017 02:41 MAÑANA por alflinn329 alflinn329


Fotos / Sonidos


Garceta Grande (Ardea alba)




Diciembre 18, 2017 a las 09:44 MAÑANA CST

Fotos / Sonidos


Garza Morena (Ardea herodias)




Diciembre 18, 2017 a las 09:46 MAÑANA CST

Fotos / Sonidos


Garceta Grande (Ardea alba)




Diciembre 18, 2017 a las 09:48 MAÑANA CST


A mix of birds here. In the far pond a Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, and assorted ducks (binos kept fogging). Hundreds (I counted almost 200 in one tree) were flying back and forth. The majority of the doves were White-winged doves. This was just after the good rain we had on a foggy morning. This post is for the large white bird - clearly a Great Egret - yellow bill and black legs.

Fotos / Sonidos


Paloma Alas Blancas (Zenaida asiatica)




Diciembre 18, 2017 a las 09:51 MAÑANA CST


A mix of birds here. In the far pond at this site a Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, and assorted ducks (binos kept fogging). Hundreds (I counted almost 200 in one tree) were flying back and forth. The majority of the doves were White-winged doves. This was just after the good rain we had on a foggy morning.

Fotos / Sonidos


Garza Morena (Ardea herodias)




Diciembre 18, 2017 a las 09:55 MAÑANA CST


I identified 3 birds in this photo. The dove in the front is noted in another post as is the Great Egret in the background pond. This post is for the Great Blue Heron standing near the egret . I could not id the ducks. My binos kept fogging and I'm not good with ducks. It's a bad photo, but I monitor these ponds regularly and so keep track.


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