174 Species and counting!

It looks like we may go over 200 species for the area in plant species alone! Quite a tribute to the Civilian Conservation Corps that built the park and to the State of Texas and Lubbock Parks & Recreation that managed it, for allowing the area to go more or less untouched into the 21st century as a biological time capsule.

This comparatively pristine area is the crown jewel of Mackenzie Park and of the Lubbock park system. It is high time for it to be recognized as such.

We have two confirmed identifications of species not previously reported in Lubbock, Lubbock County, or the South Plains. There may be others in our data. Time will tell.

Congratulations, and thank you to our friends and supporters of this project. The work continues!

Publicado el julio 5, 2018 05:41 MAÑANA por thebark thebark


I'm on it!
Thank you for recognizing the value of this little pocket -- and making it your personal mission

Publicado por ellen5 hace alrededor de 6 años

I wonder if you might get support from the students involved in this project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/hell-s-gate-park-project
They certainly have the kind of training you will need!

Publicado por ellen5 hace alrededor de 6 años

And it looks like there'a another inside-Loop 289 first observation! Illinois Bundleflower! https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/14059314 Ellen5 has found this species at a number of locations outside the city.

Publicado por thebark hace alrededor de 6 años

And there is now a Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1825012874221270/ I have a number of photos of the area that don't fit on iNaturalist and discussions can be held there there. By the end of the day the FB page should be spiffed up some.

Publicado por thebark hace alrededor de 6 años

Old Lubbock: it ain't the burbs.

Publicado por ellen5 hace alrededor de 6 años

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