Park Wildlife Guides

Did you know that CPW has created wildlife guides for all the State Parks? These guides can be a valuable resource for identifying an unknown organism you have found! The guides allow you to filter by using tags that have been added for color and/or group (trees, reptiles, birds, flowering plants, etc). Please search the name of the park you’re interested in at

These guides should not be considered fully comprehensive of all species that may occur in our State Parks, but it should represent nearly all of the common plant and animal species (except for insects) and many of the less common species. Species included in the guides are the “Research Grade” iNaturalist observations as well as species that have been documented over the last 20 years by our Resource Stewardship Program. We update our guides once a year to account for new species observed by YOU at the parks!

Have fun and be safe out there!
-CPW Resource Stewardship Team

Publicado el noviembre 9, 2018 03:20 TARDE por coparksandwildlife coparksandwildlife


I'm having trouble accessing these guides. I used the above link, keyed in Cheyenne Mountain State Park, and then I pushed search. Nothing came up.

Publicado por rowz hace casi 6 años

Hi @rowz
We double checked to make sure those guides were working on our end, there should be a wildlife, plants, and bugs guide available. Double check spelling or just try searching for "Cheyenne".
Send us a message if you still cannot find them and we will continue to trouble shoot with you!

Publicado por coparksandwildlife hace casi 6 años

The guides appear if I search "Cheyenne" . Nothing shows up if I search "Cheyenne Mountain State Park".

Publicado por rowz hace casi 6 años

Hi @rowz

Glad you were able to find them, we recommend bookmarking them on a computer or downloading them on the mobile app so that you don't have to worry about searching for them in the future. We have enabled Cheyenne Mountain State Park guides to be downloadable since there isn't great cell coverage in that Park.
Let us know if you have any other questions or issues, we are happy to help!


Publicado por coparksandwildlife hace casi 6 años

Thank you!

Publicado por rowz hace casi 6 años

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