My years plans so far

With a rocky start to my spring with my dad being in the hospital after a rough time at Tandy Hills he is finally back home and recovering after a few weeks in the hospital. This year is kind of off to a very awkward start in general because I don't really have many major plans for the spring except for doing the annual City Nature Challenge that I do every year. However I will not be doing my normal park hopping like I normally do around CNC time. I will do a little bit of that but most of the time I will be volunteering my time to the Fort Worth Nature Center and Chisholm Trail community park for a Nature Con and Bio Blitzes. I will be getting more observations but not as much in bulk as I am known for because I will be leading hikes and running a booth more than likely; But heck that will not stop me from taking as many photos as I can because there will be some much to do and see at both parks that I might get some really neat things. I may not get a lot of different things but I will do my darnedest to get as many observations as I can. I am going to be doing more volunteer days this year but I do have a few things in mind that I am looking forward too this summer.

This summer my family is planning a trip to Colorado which my brother and I have been wanting to do for a long time now. I have only been there a couple of time. I turned 13 in Colorado Springs and I remember it like it was just yesterday. Ah I can't wait to go back to the mountains. I have spent the last couple of years around the sea for in Texas vacations during the Winter Bird Migration and to see the Baby Sea Turtles that one summer. I would love to go into the mountains and look for the animals I didn't photograph on the last trip out there which was around 2007 or so. I wish that I had been an amateur Photographer back then so I could have got some of the animals I saw on that trip on my life list. Guess I will have to do like I have been doing all this time and pick up the pieces. That will allow me to get some of the animals I know I have seen but also some that I have never seen before. I am hoping to get some Pinyon Jays, Magpies, Chipmunks, Big Horn Sheep, among other things. I really miss Colorado. The beautiful storms at night, the beautiful morning sunrises, the lovely smells of the rocks and trees. Ah... it is my kind of place to be. I have a few places in mind to go to when I do make my return trek out there. I want to go to a few of the places I have already been too like Garden of the Gods, Seven Falls, the Cliff Dwellings, Cave of Winds, Pikes Peak; but I also want to go to Dinosaur National Monument. I also want to go back to the Colorado Dinosaur Resource Center that I went to when I went their last. That place was fantastic and if they still have them I would love to get one of the Raptor Claws they had for sale for my fossil collection. I have always wanted a raptor's killing claw like Alan Grant did in Jurassic Park. I love collecting fossils and things and have a really nice collection that has grown in the last couple of years.

Also on the summertime agenda I am still on the hunt for a Dragonhunter Dragonfly. I was not able to do too much dragonfly hunting last year since my mom was getting very sick before she passed away. So this year I am going to try and find one. I have a few places lined up where I might find one but I just have keep my eyes on the radar and see when they are being spotted the most. I have some other events to go to like the event out at the Research station that @sambiology has planned for an iNaturalist get together. I am also looking forward to doing that Moth night out at the Heard Museum this summer. So I have quite a few things for the summer but not much planned except for the event stated and the big family excursion in Colorado. So there is much to explore this spring and summer. The best thing to do is just make it up as you go along through the year. I have already made it out to the Fort Worth Nature Center once this year just to explore. My goal this year is to find a few new parks around my local area. There is one I have seen while looking at the map on iNaturalist which was kind of interesting called Arbor Hills Nature Preserve. I think that will be a great place to do some iNaturalist stuff. It is really close to LLELA. I would also like to go back out to LLELA and do some more hiking up there to find some more insects and things.

I have a lot to do in the coming months so I must get a move on filled up the old nature pack and get a move on. I will see you on the trail!

Publicado el marzo 23, 2019 09:03 TARDE por galactic_bug_man galactic_bug_man


Great! And yes, we'll need you big time for the City Nature Challenge! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 5 años

I will do my best but it may be tricky this year. I may have to do some searching after the events to get more observations. I will defiantly particulate but I may not get anywhere close to the numbers I have got in the last couple of years. BBUUUTTTT; we'll see what I can come up with.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace más de 5 años

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