Colorado Outlook continued

Been doing a lot more digging online for places to go to in Colorado. My brother maybe interested in the two museums that I have found. One is the Denver Nature and Science Museum and the other is the Morrison Nature Museum. My brother had a profound interest in video games but he is looking for topics on extinct Ice Age animals for his game ideas revolve around those. I for one want to go to learn about such things to expand my knowledge on such animals. Of course I am really into dinosaurs so that is what I am going for along with the wildlife. I wish my brother was in to dinosaurs but he calls them over glorify. I dont't know why but that is what he thinks. Me I have always been a fossil fan head of all prehistoric eras. I am really looking forward to see all the cool animals that are out there. I have been looking up the native wildlife up there and I must say that place is loaded with really cool things. I am mainly going out there for the birds, mammals and the insects as my main targets of interest but I am sure that plants, reptiles, and fungus will be most interesting to get too. I am not letting anything slip out of my fingers. I am hoping to get more than one hundred observations in that week we will be gone. I will make it my mission to go to all the state parks I can get to and a few of the National Parks. I think that it will be a cool trip because we will explore new areas that we have not been to yet. I for one am looking forward to this little venture. How I have longed to go back. It has been far too long since we have been there. It will be a very interesting trip. We will revisit some of the old stomping ground but we will be also looking for some new territory to explore. I have some of the gear already to go. Mostly my books like my wildlife encyclopedia that has mammals and herps. I also have my tree guide to North America, my North American Insect Guide, and both bird guides. I also have some fun reads to read when I am going up there. I have my Star Trek Q Squared Novel a friend in college gave me and I also have my I Survived: The Shark Attack of 1916 which I also find very enjoyable. So yeah I have a thriller and a science fiction book with me as well as some nature resources. My gear will be very easy to pack up. I will be bringing the net, beat sheet, some Petri Dishes, my UV Light, and my Binoculars and my camera. I will bring my charger so that way I can charge my battery after a good day. I am also bringing my back up camera which is my Nikon Coolpix L830. My aunt will be bringing along her new camera she got recently. She is learning how to use iNaturalist and I am teaching her the basics. She will be an iNatting machine by the time I am done with her. She will be great for this being a school teacher and all. I am teaching her all I know. Yeah it is going to a fun trip. I already have some idea of what clothes I am going to bring. I will not be wearing shorts at all. I may wear a t-shirt on some of the days but I will not be wearing any flip flops, shorts, or no sleeves this time. That was crazy the last time. Pardon the expression but I was freezing my giblets off out there at the Seven Falls the last time I went. No I am wearing pants this time. I will bring both pairs of fishing pants and my few other pairs of blue jeans. I have some long sleeve shirts I will wear but I also have my iNaturalist shirt I will be wearing too that @sambiology gave me. I will also have my bug shirt with me. But what is an outdoor adventure without my vest and my hat. I will also have my Shark Tooth Necklace and my gator tooth. I never go anywhere without those. I am so excited but there is still a few weeks so we continue to plan for this trip. I will be sharing all my photos and highlights on Facebook and my Instagram accounts as well as make a blog post on my Tumblr account but there will be a post of the trip here on iNaturalist so stay tuned for more Colorado fun! I am Zachary Chapman AKA galacitc_bug_man signing off.

Publicado el mayo 28, 2019 06:24 MAÑANA por galactic_bug_man galactic_bug_man


Thanks I will add those to the list! Thanks you my friend :)

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace más de 5 años

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