Parts of a Bird Pelvis

Some anatomical terms for elements of a bird pelvic girdle.
Some people use “synsacrum” as synonymous for the avian pelvis, but in reality the word only refers to the fused vertebral center. “Pelvic girdle” would be the more “correct” synonym.
See more jargon here:

General osteological definitions:
Foramen = hole/opening
Caudal = tail
Anterior = toward skull
Posterior = toward the tail
Process = Extension/projection

  1. Ischiadic foramen / foramen ilioishiodicum (Opening in the ischium)
  2. Acetabulum / foramen acetabula (This is where the femur articulates into the pelvis. Many confuse it for an eye socket.)
  3. Obturator foramen / foramen obturatum
  4. Processus caudalis
  5. Ischial angle / Angulus ischiadicus
  6. Pectineal process / process pectinealis (the “spike” below the acetabulum)
  7. Antitrochanter (the “spike” above the acetabulum)
  8. Pubis (The long thin bone)
  9. Posterior margin
  10. Central ridge
  11. Pre acetabular (before the acetabulum)
  12. Post acetabular (after the acetabulum)
  13. Anterior portion (there is also the “posterior portion” which I didn’t included for organization’s sake, it’s basically the lower part of the pelvis)
  14. Ilium
  15. Ischium
  16. Transverse process (The extensions off the side of the vertebra. I only had the arrow point to one example for organization’s sake, but all of them, from both the pre- and post- acetabulum, are included in this. These specific transverse processes are also known as parapophysis).
  17. Intervertebral formina (All of the gaps/holes in between the transverse processes, both pre- and post- acetabulum. It only has one arrow, again, for organization’s sake).
  18. Extermitas caudalis synsari (the extreme-most caudal vertebra of the synsacrum).

This pelvis is from a domestic muscovy duck.

(From left to right: Dorsal view, Lateral view, Ventral view.)

Publicado el febrero 13, 2020 04:45 TARDE por lizardking lizardking


There was another post that showed nice photos of the pelvis of chicken, turkey and duck, but I am unable to find it. I had located the site but it disappeared. Any help would be appreciated.

Alan Feduccia

Publicado por feduccia hace más de 1 año

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