Hot Winter

Hi Wild Ones!

I dropped out of communication for a bit (overload). Am back on the Central Coast (Suze, love your observations from here). It's funny that I was a nature freak growing up and here I am learning so much about nature still. Thank goodness our brains continue to welcome new information as curiosity waves the butterfly net around.

Peregrines were rare in the 60s and 70s, having been decimated by human actions. Now I'm reliably welcomed by a peregrine in Pismo as I drive north on the 101. It nests on an enormous boulder between the north and southbound lanes.

Otters suffered similar --perhaps greater-- injustices and when they returned to Morro Bay, it was newsworthy. This week I spotted one southeast of Diablo in the SL Port area. Astonishing to me. Yet (and this gives me such hope) a quick iNat search shows they're plentiful to Nipomo now. Here's an informative article about these bobbing bears

I'm in awe of what I've been surrounded by and either didn't notice or took for granted. Until recently, I lumped many species together. A sparrow is a sparrow. Oh dang, there are so many sparrow species! Gulls, mule deer, alligator lizards, manzanita, limpets, chitons, lichen, moss. Wait, what, we have corals and sponges? What are they anyway? I'm truly amazed. And now I know that there are not just mule deer on our ranch but Columbian black-tailed mule deer, the youngest subspecies.

While the lid of this wonder box is cracked and brightly beckoning, it has been hotter than ever -- hit 91 in SLO yesterday. You had to travel over the coastal range to Paso in August to experience that when I was growing up. It's crispy dry; frightening in [now] year-round fire country. Los Osos/Baywood/Morro Bay are not the fog zones we used to know. Fog is still here but it's greatly reduced and no longer provides a seasonal cooling effect for SLO. Doesn't stay long enough for the dew to truly dampen.

Okay, I'm blabbing. Nerves are inflamed as the 20th approaches. We've divided my house with hubby standing guard in LA and me up here with my mom (who is getting her first vaccination on Monday, hallelujah). I'm thinking of you WW as I take this ALL in. Stay safe and vigilant. Aaaand, although my pics are from a compact, I have several pier piling pics that are loaded with creatures -- if anyone wants to play a game of "seek and ID", I'd be happy to send them along. Otherwise, I'll eventually get to them.


Publicado el enero 16, 2021 02:50 TARDE por redrovertracy redrovertracy


Love your commentary Tracy! I too am amazed by the diversity around us, even as it appears to be declining worldwide. The tide pools up in SLO were such a welcome relief from those down here. We didn’t see anyone with a bucket or chisel and people seemed respectful of the tide pools overall. Or at least in Montana de Oro.

We even enjoyed the weather the first two days when it was cool and foggy. But sadly day three was warm and even hotter down here. It breaks my heart to see how dry it is and how it’s impacting wildlife. Lack of rain gives me deep anxiety and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Chris and I did visit a couple of docks in Morro Bay. He recently bought a compact underwater camera for $60 and was testing it out. I tried a couple of shots with my phone but think the underwater camera is a better way to go. Also one thing I decided is that it is probably better not to wear your glasses when looking under the docks. If they fall off....goodbye! Anyway, we really didn’t do much dock fouling but it was nice up there where there weren’t a lot of people around and you could easily get to the docks. I don’t think it will be so simple down here.

I find that nature is the one almost antidote to our present state of crisis. I’m worried for our country and worried for all of us waiting for that vaccine. Let us hope that peace and sanity prevail.

Keep posting everyone! I so enjoy seeing what everyone finds and love finding out about new’s a constant source of inspiration and motivation.

Publicado por naturephotosuze hace casi 4 años

Yes, love your commentary and feel like an armchair traveler along with you both. I feel fortunate to have a group of like-minded wild women to share observations, love of nature, and concern for our current state of affairs. Looking forward to a time when we can meet up in person at some wonderful (and not dried up) location to scout out nature in all it's glory.

Stay safe and healthy. Hugs,

Publicado por scubabruin hace más de 3 años

Great post and comments! The 20th has passed, as has the torch, peacefully. My mom turned 84 yesterday and is in good health and spirits. Her vaccination (in Munich, Germany) has at least been sort of announced, but she has yet to receive a confirmation. My 84 year old dad (in Gordes, Provence, South of France) will be vaccinated on February 9th. Both my step parents are a decade younger and still waiting...

I'm forever grateful to iNat, you gals, very special mention: Laura, and continuing adventures in our beaten dried out world of wild. I started my hike today (in Topanga State Park, a safe side trail) with clenched teeth. I came back whistling and conducting whatever was playing on the Sirius classic channel. Not that I did see much, but just seeing a Hermit Thrush made my day. It's an antidote, yes, Susan, medicine, and Tracy, such an opportunity to LEARN and use our brains. Akin to learning a new language. Maybe two.

Yesterday, as my car was getting its annual service, I took a loaner, drove three miles or so to Westlake (the lake), and found Chinese Mystery Snails, yes, that's their actual name, And recorded Great-tailed Grackles, I was tense handing over my car to service people, despite all the promises and I'm sure excellent protocols, but then so happy to find interesting creatures even around this fenced-in lake in a subdivision. Wherever we find ourselves, there's something to discover and learn about. Not a minute out and about goes to waste.

Tomorrow will bring a 65% chance of rain!! Next week Wednesday through Friday looks promising too. Hurray!!

Be well, all,
big hugs!!

Publicado por andreacala hace más de 3 años

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