You did it!!! Thank you!!!

You did it, Los Angeles! Your contributions to the City Nature Challenge L.A. vs S.F. enabled us to come from behind and beat San Francisco!

It was truly a collaborative effort from the entire county of Los Angeles. When we were over 2,000 observations behind, nobody gave up. Instead it seemed that everyone used that as motivation to document more wildlife, and to make as many species identifications as they could. Together, with San Francisco's observations, we contributed almost 20,000 observations to iNaturalist. That is a win for everyone in both cities.

We actually had over 570 citizen scientists submit observations in Los Angeles County (iNat users plus those sending in e-mails and social media posts).

Thanks again to everyone! We are extremely fortunate to have you all living in our community, and participating in our projects. #GoLA #NatureinLA


@lhiggins @nhmordenana @smartrf
NHM Citizen Science Program

Publicado el abril 22, 2016 08:56 TARDE por natureinla natureinla


I am so thrilled about the outcome of this contest! For us to win in all three categories is an amazing feat considering that the San Francisco Bay Area is like the mecca of iNaturalist and has been beating Los Angeles year after year in terms of total number of observations, species, and contributors. We were definitely the underdog in this contest. Through determination and hard work we pulled off a huge upset! You have all made L.A. proud.

Special thanks to @bbunny, @cdegroof, @glmory, and @silversea_starsong for helping me create a list of tips for some of our contributors. Also thanks to @charlie for prioritizing IDs towards uploads made in L.A. and to the @natureinla team for promoting the contest and encouraging Angelenos to contribute to citizen science. Since the contest is now over, here is the list of tips for everyone else to enjoy.

Publicado por cedric_lee hace más de 8 años

The outcome was stellar. It is great to see such enthusiasm hiding in both cities. I hope it has taught people that citizen science is fun and worthwhile, and only a phone's throw away (Ok, I don't endorse throwing any phones, but you know what I mean!).

Citizen science is an eternal study, and the more people we can encourage, the better. It's a win, not only for LA (well, especially for LA), but for citizen science itself. The nature challenge results are surely a sign of great things to come. Keep it up everyone...

Publicado por silversea_starsong hace más de 8 años

yeah this was so great. and no one even made it up to liebre mountain... maybe i will during a visit one day, we will see. anyway... great work all!!

Publicado por charlie hace más de 8 años

Agreed -- it was mighty cool. :) Congrats to everyone!

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 8 años

Fantastic job, everyone (in both cities). What a great competition!

Publicado por jon_sullivan hace más de 8 años

It's inspiring me to call out some of the TX cities for a similar competition next spring. Everyone wins with these sorts of things.

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 8 años

especially since it was SO CLOSE. Both cities did SO WELL

Publicado por charlie hace más de 8 años

I am still over the moon about the entire experience. Both cities were represented extremely well by their citizen science communities, and to think that over 20,000 observations were added, and that each city documented over 1600 species - it is just so cool!

Publicado por smartrf hace más de 8 años

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