Most significant rain event since opening

Today the park received around five inches of rain, following what has been a fairly typical Florida dry season. The "field" dry pond filled up, and water crossed the spillway to the wet pond for the first time. Water depth in the field was around 6-8 inches, and around two feet in the wet pond (following "bone dry" and less than a few inches, respectively, prior to today). It will be interesting to see how this flood plain affects habitat throughout the park...

Today, wildlife was abundant. Eastern Cottontails were observed for the first time. A flock of wood ducks were wading in the dry pond, and Wild Turkeys were spotted on the perimeter slopes. The heavy rains saw numerous Spadefoot Toads emerge from underground. Songbirds, especially common grackles, were everywhere.

Publicado el abril 2, 2022 02:43 MAÑANA por kpdonald kpdonald


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