Malva sylvestris vs multiflora vs neglecta vs nicaeensis vs parviflora (key)

Malva sylvestris vs multiflora vs nicaeensis vs parviflora

1 - Epicalyx united at least in lower half. Petals 12-25(30) mm long, 2-3 times as long as calyx; with purple or deep pink stripes over a lilac background. Fruits smooth or slightly rugose. At least in part often somehow greysh-green due to the presence to rather abundant stellate hairs. Annuals: Malva multiflora (=M. pseudolavatera)
1' - Epicalyx pieces separated. Petals 2,5-30(35) mm long, shorter than calyx or up to 5 times as long as calyx; whitish or tinged with rose in upper half or with purple or deep pink stripes over a lilac or pink background. Fruits reticulate or smooth. Plants green with simple or bifid hairs (M. nicaeensis, M. sylvestris) or green with few scattered stellate hairs (M. parviflora) or with up to rather dense stellate hairs (M. neglecta). Annuals or perennials: 2

2 - Petals 15-30(35) mm long, up to 5 times as long as calyx, with purple or deep pink stripes over a pink background. Perennials: M. sylvestris
2' - Petals 2,5-12 mm long, shorter or up to twice as long as calyx, whitish or coloured with rose in upper half. Annuals (rarely parennials in M. neglecta): 3

3 - Petals 2,5-5 mm long, shorter to slightly longer than calyx, completely whitish or faintly rose-coloured at apex and without pink stripes. Calyx distinctly accrescent at fructification. Stem subglabrous: M. parviflora
3' - Petals 6-14 mm long, 1,2-twice as long as calyx, totally white or with faint pink stripes over a white or very light pinkish background or with pink stripes over a whitish background and pinkish at apex. Calyx not accrescent at fructification. Stem rather densely hairy: 4

4 - Petals with pink stripes over a whitish background and pinkish at apex, rarely whitish and with faint stripes. Fruits strongly reticulate, more often glabrous, rarely hairy. Epycalix pieces ovate or oblong-ovate, relatively broad and close to each other. Plants more often erect: M. nicaeensis
4' - Petals totally white or with faint pink stripes over a white or very light pinkish background. Fruits smooth or slightly reticulate, densely hairy. Epycalix pieces linear or narrowly lanceolate, narrow and distant from each other. Plants more often prostrate or decumbent: M. neglecta

Publicado el mayo 18, 2022 01:19 TARDE por italopithecus italopithecus


@blue_celery, thanks so much for this key! It is very helpful.

Publicado por truthseqr hace más de 2 años

I hope it will be useful in the field

Publicado por italopithecus hace más de 2 años


Publicado por hfabian hace 10 meses

@hfabian you're welcome. Did the key turn to be useful to you?

Publicado por italopithecus hace 10 meses

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