Gall Week is almost here - local events and a Webinar!

I hope you're all as excited as I am about Gall Week! I'd like to start a thread for local events, if anyone had time to organize events or would like to coordinate outings with others, we could do it here in the comments. I could also start other threads if there's a need.
Let me begin. I'd like to invite everyone for a webinar - Wednesday 9/7, at 5:30 pm Pacific time. @naturesarchive and I will talk about gall natural history. This webinar is intended for beginners and intermediate level, and everyone else interested! More info and RSVP here -
In-person events in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Publicado el agosto 31, 2022 06:33 TARDE por merav merav


I'd be happy to do one or more events here in Austin if anyone is interested!

Publicado por megachile hace casi 2 años

@megachile I wish I could join you!

Publicado por merav hace casi 2 años

If there is DC/NOVA crowd that would be interested I know some good locations and would be happy to lead a gall walk.

Publicado por jeffdc hace casi 2 años

@jeffdc I’d be down for some DC/NOVA gall hunting this Saturday! Know any others who’d be interested?

Publicado por esummerbell hace casi 2 años

I am leading a walk this Saturday at 2pm at Unger Park in Bucyrus, OH with the Crawford County Parks District and @chelsealynne .[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D

Publicado por calconey hace casi 2 años

@esummerbell Saturday will work!

I do not know who else we have participating in Gall Week in the area but I am hopefully that we can get some folks to join. @izafarr is going to be out of town. But possibly @imasongster, @ashley_bradford, @dbarber, @carrieseltzer, @davidenrique would like to join or know others that might?

I know some spots but they are all in VA and in the Western parts of the county but we can surely find galls anywhere there are appropriate plants so am open to suggestions for locations.

Publicado por jeffdc hace casi 2 años

I am interested in a DC walk!

Publicado por zdanko hace casi 2 años

@jeffdc thanks for the ping! But I'm currently at my dad's in TN so will unfortunately miss that. I didn't even know "Gall Week" is a thing, but will keep an eye out for them.

Publicado por ashley_bradford hace casi 2 años

That sounds fun, but I'm sadly both drowning in work and also no longer living in the DC area (I moved to NJ) :(
I let a friend know about it though. He's not all that into galls (yet, anyway), but said he might be interested if he doesn't have to go too far. I'll let him know what location/date you settle on...

Publicado por davidenrique hace casi 2 años

DC area folks, I don't think I can join anything on Saturday unfortunately, but if you make a journal post for organizing can you tag me in to keep me in the loop anyways?

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace casi 2 años

I learned so much from the webinar - many thanks for the really interesting presentation. It covered a lot of ground in a short time. The Not A Gall segment was very helpful to me. I really hope my gall observing improves now.

Aside: Sometimes I read on Nextdoor about people getting skin welts that sound a lot like the ones described in this article about Oak gall itch mites. I’ve had similar welts occur this summer, often after exploring around Oak trees.
Of course, if you cannot see them, it’s almost impossible to know if that’s causing the effect.

Again, thank you for your generous and informative presentation. Everyone really liked it.

Publicado por teellbee hace casi 2 años

Moving the DC Outing discussion here to spare everyone else our coordination comments. :)

Publicado por jeffdc hace casi 2 años

Any New Jersey/ New York/ eastern Pennsylvania interest in a gathering this weekend?

Publicado por srall hace casi 2 años

"Not A Gall (?)" What would be the preferred way to record stuff that might or may not be a a gall?

Would we add such things to the Project; and then delete it later if it turns out not to be a gall?
Or, is it preferred to avoid adding such stuff to the Gall Week project until it gets ID'd to Research Grade (if ever)?


Publicado por teellbee hace casi 2 años

Personally I'd say better to err on the side of inclusion and remove it if needed, doesn't really hurt anything

Publicado por megachile hace casi 2 años

I agree with @megachile - if it is a gall, adding it to the project will help it get identified. but I would remove it from the project if the conclusion is that it's not a gall.

Publicado por merav hace casi 2 años

@megachile and I did a podcast/radio interview last week about galls and It was released today. I have not had a chance to listen to it yet (darn work). Here it is if you are interested:

Publicado por jeffdc hace casi 2 años

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