Sand milkweed in central OK

Today I explored a Canadian river sand prairie actually in Norman, and found one of our rarer milkweed in the area, Asclepias arenaria. The stand had 3 sub-populations and had quite a lot of immature seedpods. I was able to get about 1.5 seedpods worth of seed.

This area is definitely on the list to botanize in a future spring, provided it still exists. It is owned by a development company, and they have already named it Aspen place development on the property map, which makes me believe the development process has begun rolling. Ugh, more areas being destroyed.

I love the Canadian river sandy areas in Norman as they provide more western botanizing. Many plants reach the eastern extent of their natural range here. I have infrequently seen Dalea lanata Wooly prairie clover out there, but today saw a massive one, over 10 ft wide I believe. It was on City property, so is relatively safe, but a lack of management in those areas is leading to rapid Ravenna grass, Tamarix, and Juniper encroachment. There are more secure areas, such as the loosly stabilized dunes, and quite a few dense fields of the native big four grasses.

Publicado el septiembre 20, 2022 02:12 MAÑANA por gusbarksdale gusbarksdale


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Septiembre 19, 2022 a las 02:34 TARDE CDT


About 10 stems in patch

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Septiembre 19, 2022 a las 01:15 TARDE CDT



Bottle used as scalebar.


Very cool! I'll be sure to check out one of these places.

Publicado por tsslimemold hace alrededor de 2 años

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