We are blowing our results from last year straight out of the water!

Hi CNCSOFLO participants!

Hope you've had a great time using iNaturalist to log South Florida's biodiversity so fa.! We are less than halfway through the four-day City Nature Challenge and we are already at over 7,500 observations! Last year we totaled 11,500, so we are well on track to beat all of our numbers. Remember to keep an eye out for biodiversity wherever you are for these next few days. Checking porch lights at night can produce some pretty cool insect sightings and if you head to the beach, shells count, too! Don't get even get me started on lawn weeds... they are everywhere and can have any number of critters visiting the flowers for nectar and pollen :-)

If you need some tips on where to find biodiversity and how to document what you find, here is a link to some best practices: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-uzRKVVu4qfxU2j3WM9y_fibd8B756Pb/view

If you are looking for a fun event to join, check out the CNCSOFLO calendar here: https://www.cncsoflo.com/events-2

Don't forget to spread the word to any other nature lovers you know :-D

P.S. we are currently in EIGHTH place out of over 400 cities around the world for observation count!! Keep up the great work!!

-Joe MDO & the CNCSOFLO team

Publicado el abril 29, 2023 04:21 TARDE por joemdo joemdo


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