Metarranthis Pictorial Key

This is a work in progress, feedback welcome.

1a. Forewing PM line with sharp angle … 2

1b. Forewing PM line without sharp angle … 5

2a. Terminal area of wings strongly mottled … 3

2b. Terminal area of wings washed out, not strongly mottled … 4

3a. Wings pale, base color light tan … M. indeclinata

3b. Wings darker with some purplish shading … M. refractaria

4a. Wings dark red to purple; smaller than any other Metarranthis … M. homuraria

4b. Wings varying from very pale to dark brown, but never with dark rusty red base color; size typical of Metarranthis … M. hypochraria (including M. mestustata)

5a. AM and PM lines composed of silvery metallic scales; lines often interrupted; dark reddish to purplish base color … 6

5b. Not as above … 7
6a. Moth larger than any other Metarranthis, found along the Atlantic or Gulf coasts as far north as the Carolinas … M. lateritiaria

6b. Moth typical in size of Metarranthis, found along the Atlantic Coast from the Mid-Atlantic northward to New England … M. near lateritiaria

7a. Hindwings with contrastingly bright yellow costas, rest of wings rusty orange … M. obfirmaria

7b. Not as above … 8
8a. Bright yellow median areas contrasting with bright pink basal and terminal areas, range restricted to the Midwest … M. mollicularia

8b. Not as above … 9
9a. PM lines smooth and straight to evenly curved … 10

9b. PM lines sinuous or with distinct bulges … 11

10a. Moth reddish brown, restricted to Atlantic and Gulf coastal habitats … M. pilosaria

10b. Moth dull brown, occurring in both coastal and some inland habitats in the Northeast … M. apiciaria

11a. Dark median and basal areas contrasting with pale median areas … 12

11b. Median area not contrastingly paler than the rest of the wings … 13

12a. Wings heavily reticulated … M. angularia

12b. Wings appearing smooth and not heavily reticulated … M. amyrisaria (in part)

13a. Base color of wings gray without any hint of rusty red coloration, restricted to boreal habitats across Canada and extreme northern USA … M. warneri

13b. Not as above … 14

14a. A small smoothly patterned Metarranthis with an even dusting of darker scales throughout the wings; mainly Northeastern … M. amyrissaria (in part)

14b. A larger more mottled Metarranthis … 15
15a. A tan-colored species that flies in the early spring (mainly April) in the Northeast and Appalachan regions … Metarranthis new species 1

15b. Mostly late-spring to early-summer flying; extremely variable and widely distributed across the continent, not always easily separable from M. amyrissaria where both occur … M. duaria

Publicado el agosto 28, 2023 06:58 TARDE por paul_dennehy paul_dennehy


Would it help if I uploaded my various random Metarranthis photos to iNat? I'm generally reluctant to assign them to species, but maybe if there are more photos out there, it could could help. Maybe. Anyway, thanks very much for your journal posts.

Publicado por jenniferwhanson hace 8 meses

Thank you for this, Paul.

Publicado por becksnyc hace 4 meses

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