Leucocoprinus cretaceus temperature assessment

This is a review of observations of Leucocoprinus cretaceus with the temperatures for the location taken from www.timeanddate.com. The purpose is to assess seasonality in different locations and gauge the temperature tolerance of this species in regards to fruiting requirements and so this table is arranged by the month of observation. Only observations of mushrooms fruiting outside have been included. Observations from plant pots are collected in the plant pot mushrooms project and some observations of Leucocoprinus cretaceus fruiting inside buildings and structures have also been collected so these indoor observations could be separately assessed easily. In instances where the mushrooms are noted as growing from a compost pile in the description this is included in the location data since such an environment could increase local temperatures.

Observations have been manually reviewed and only included if I am satisfied that the species pictured is indeed L. cretaceus and not any of the possible lookalikes. As there are many observations for this species this table is not going to attempt to collect data for all of them but rather represents a random sample from a variety of locations. It was convenient to focus on locations with many observations over a wide period of time in order to expedite data entry.

Place names given are for the weather results rather than the observation location. In most cases they are the same but where observations are from small towns or wilderness locations situated right beside large population centres the name of the larger population centre may have been used since looking up small locations does not always result in finding temperature records. The data for smaller locations on timeanddate will be taken from stations in larger locations nearby anyway and whilst small town nams are generally searchable in America and Europe they often turned up no results in India and South America.

In some cases timeanddate is entirely missing weather data for some locations during some periods and so otherwise good observations have been excluded based on this lack of data. Where weather data is available but some is missing for that day a ? is included beside the temperature. For instance a low temperature of '7?' indicates that the night time temperatures for this location were missing and hence the lowest temperature recorded that day may have been lower but the high temperature can be presumed to be accurate since the rest of the data was present.

The lowest and highest number given are the result of reading the summary provided for that day which on timeanddate is broken into 4 time slots: 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 with a low and high given for each period. The low and high given here represent the lowest and highest of these 8 figures given except in cases were a sudden, abnormal change in temperature is noted after the time given for the observation. ie. for an observation made at midday when the high was 28 and the low was 16 but a sudden drop occurred to 8 (far colder than any of the days prior) by 18:00 then this later temperature is excluded and the earlier low of 16 is used. A case like this is unusual and the low temperatures are usually representative of the early morning or overnight low before the mushroom was observed. Otherwise the time of the observation is not taken into account and the high or low used may represent a temperature after the observation was made unless, at a glance, this was obviously extreme compared to the days before. More accurate hour by hour temperatures are available for most entries on timeanddate though it would require more time spent per observation to look this up and exclude information from after the time of the observation.

The link to the timeanddate page is included for each entry in order that more detailed temperatures or weather data can be found quickly. ie. if an additional assessment were to be carried out at a later date to look for rain or storms prior to the observation. Assessing the temperature on the day the mushrooms were observed may not be the most reliable method of evaluating temperature requirements as it may be preferable to assess the days before the mushrooms were observed. This could provide a better idea of the temperatures needed to trigger growth and avoid the mushroom aborting however such an assessment would have to take into account the maturity of the mushrooms and their quality, ie. if aborting or growing poorly and so would be more complex and less reliable. Due to the tedious nature of copy pasting data into multiple fields it is possible that some errors may exist in this data however as the obervation number, username and location are included it provides some redundancy for fixing this. ie. it is possible that one field might not have been updated but unlikely all have not.

North America

Date Location Low (°C) High (°C) Observation User Link
Jan 2, 2023 Honolulu, Hawaii, US 20 26 145740596 @kairigney Link
Jan 4, 2020 Kauai County, Hawaii, USA 23 25 37332502 @acanthusmxmli Link
Feb 23, 2012 Corpus Christi, Texas, US 18 27 1022519 @fmoretzsohn Link
Apr 18, 2023 Miami, Florida, US 19 29 155526027 @camille564 Link
Apr 19, 2015 Mission, Texas, US 21 33 146471953 @mikephelps Link
Apr 21, 2023 San Antonio, Texas, US 17 28 155946467 @bobbie50 Link
May 3, 2019 Hawaii County, Hawaii, US 21 27 37863770 @johnfraser1 Link
May 15, 2019 Captain Cook, Hawaii, US 24 28 25248992 @johnfraser1 Link
May 20, 2023 San Marcos, Texas, US 20 28 162744708 @ironchefphil Link
May 23, 2020 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico 26? 33 47019848 @richardortem Link
Jun 4, 2021 Garden Ridge, Texas, US 19 27 81603760 @cyndie42 Link
Jun 7, 2021 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico 26 35 81985228 @xxcarlosxx Link
Jun 11, 2022 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico 25 32 123684424 @marco_bautista99 Link
Jun 21, 2021 José Cardel, Veracruz, Mexico 24? 25? 83968202 @vkbiol Link
Jun 30, 2021 Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 14 23 85152020 @branrivera Link
Jul 4, 2023 San Antonio, Texas, US 26 36 171115544 @teristwin Link
Jul 14, 2023 Detroit, Michigan, US 19 29 173054834 @mossmuncher Link
Aug 1, 2023 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico 25 32 176204120 @narinat Link
Aug 3, 2023 Bowling Green, Kentucky, US 23 24 129269871 @charitys9 Link
Aug 3, 2023 Túxpam de Rodríguez Cano, Veracruz, Mexico 16? 22 176600250 @jaime_medrano Link
Aug 7, 2023 Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico 24 34 177185957 @tamar_way Link
Aug 8, 2020 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (compost pile) 14 29 56020699 @randylast Link
Aug 9, 2022 Ann Arbor, Michigan, US 18 24 130143958 @carly_rita Link
Aug 10, 2020 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (compost pile) 16 29 56042519 @kevinwallace Link
Aug 12, 2020 Haʻikū, Hawaii, US 24 33 56388103 @mscharer Link
Aug 16, 2021 Eugene, Oregon, US (compost heap) 14 31 91433273 @oregon_af Link
Aug 25, 2023 Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada (compost/manure pile) 18 23 180171185 @dan_macneal Link
Aug 28, 2022 San Antonio, Texas, US 26 35 81603760 @kimkennedysa Link
Sep 3, 2020 Pickering, Ontario, Canada (manure pile) 17 25 58482142 @foragergirl Link
Sep 10, 2022 San Antonio, Texas, US 24 34 134417572 @kruegerk12 Link
Sep 12, 2020 Altotonga, Veracruz, Mexico 23? 30 60585353 @sandra880 Link
Sep 13, 2020 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, US 19 24 59455121 @bobbybo123 Link
Sep 17, 2018 San Antonio, Texas, US 21 32 17052957 @pambenavides Link
Sep 17, 2022 Kailua, Hawaii, US 20 33 135510184 @richfisc Link
Sep 18, 2018 Grand Rapids, Michigan, US 18 27 16670390 @majoraim Link
Sep 19, 2020 San Luis Potosi, Mexico 13 19 60351002 @andreafigueroa Link
Sep 20, 2022 Cuetzalan, Puebla, Mexico 13? 23 136310748 @magali70 Link
Sep 22, 2018 Tillamook County, Oregon, US 9 21 16822823 @richtehan Link
Sep 22, 2023 Chicago, Illinois, USA 19 26 184455962 @michael-r Link
Sep 27, 2020 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico 23? 33 60980556 @erick19 Link
Sep 30, 2018 San Antonio, Texas, US 22 28 17852728 @philycheez Link
Oct 7, 2021 Tamworth, Ontario, Canada (plant pot, outside) 14 21 97446308 @ruffian Link
Oct 17, 2019 Actopan, Veracruz, Mexico 24 28 34744294 @tereso30 Link
Oct 27, 2020 Kaneohe, Hawaii, US 23 27 156796113 @cacaruso Link
Nov 1, 2017 Berkeley, California, US 8 19 8654385 @rraman Link
Nov 9, 2022 Corpus Christi, Texas, US 21 29 141563147 @janeweeden Link
Nov 11, 2022 Stagecoach, Texas, US 16 28 141719758 @oceanicwilderness Link
Nov 18, 2017 Austin, Texas, US 20 28 8949872 @hydaticus Link
Nov 27, 2022 Miami, Florida, US 24 31 143035753 @eduardo_alizo Link
Dec 5, 2022 Mission, Texas, US 22 28 143725326 @ajwhitlock Link
Dec 6, 2022 Mission, Texas, US 20 29 145446072 @krcdp9 Link
Dec 8, 2022 Madero, Texas, US 21 29 143970967 @candi12 Link
Dec 9, 2021 Honolulu, Hawaii, US 22 28 102785824 @shroomsday Link
Dec 9, 2022 San Marcos, Texas, US 20 28 144034957 @emiliowanders Link
Dec 17, 2022 New Braunfels, Texas, US 7? 18 150280019 @haakonskjonberg Link
Dec 19, 2022 Honolulu, Hawaii, US 19 24 156796050 @cacaruso Link

South America

Date Location Low (°C) High (°C) Observation User Link
Jan 4, 2015 Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil 26? 32 164812032 @suse100 Link
Jan 13, 2019 Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil 22 29 21486037 @chirley_silva Link
Jan 19, 2020 Manú, Madre de Dios, Peru 6 21 179607697 @blazeclaw Link
Jan 28, 2023 Guayaquil, Ecuador 25 31 149040936 @benjaminnavas Link
Feb 1, 2023 Montevideo, Uruguay 20 28 147827328 @laacolito Link
Feb 5, 2023 Leticia, Colombia 23 27 149907907 @giulioz Link
Feb 26, 2023 Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina 16 32 149764778 @estefi3 Link
Mar 15, 2023 Chiclayo, Lambayeque, Peru 25 31 151278526 @lourdes_zune_2002 Link
Mar 22, 2023 Mendoza, Argentina 18 27 151919147 @guille Link
Mar 27, 2023 Porto Estrela, Mato Grosso, Brazil 24 34 153312962 @igorazevedo Link
Mar 28, 2021 Villa El Salvador, Lima, Peru 19 25 72305886 @ruthgo Link
Apr 2, 2022 Campo Grande, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil 18 26 110185571 @ninawenoli Link
Apr 8, 2020 Senador Guiomard, Acre, Brazil 22 27 41863874 @isaac_oliveira Link
Apr 14, 2020 Senador Guiomard, Acre, Brazil 23 32 51425244 @geysesouza Link
Apr 18, 2020 Puerto Ayora, Ecuador 20 33 42520528 @isaschreyer Link
Apr 23, 2023 La Leonesa, Chaco, Argentina 13 28 156737873 @mirian15 Link
Apr 24 2012 Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia 21 28 7006995 @kallampero Link
May 8, 2022 Campina Grande do Sul, Paraná, Brazil 9 18 148608600 @reisab Link
May 23, 2023 Buenos Aires, Argentina 17 21 163874217 @alesitoide Link
Mar 24, 2023 João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil 24 29 152435121 @sam_afm Link
May 27, 2020 Bento Fernandes, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 24 31 169065319 @daygo_nf Link
Jun 3, 2017 João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil 23 28 33972354 @aerian Link
Jun 13, 2023 Cantón Aguarico, Ecuador (ant nest?) 7 14? 169876009 @azalia_criollo Link
Jun 14, 2023 Montevideo, Uruguay -2 14 167425167 @erincita01 Link
Jul 8, 2017 Puerto Ayora, Ecuador 20 28 32260977 @wcabrera3 Link
Oct 16 2018 Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil 24 34 17609579 @edson_guilherme Link
Oct 22, 2021 Boca do Acre, Amazonas, Brazil 25 33 99546211 @douglas_menezes Link
Oct 23, 2021 Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil 25 35 99632943 @chirley_silva Link
Oct 24, 2021 Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil 22? 28? 99226354 @reicielly Link
Oct 24, 2021 Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil 22? 28? 99277354 @geovanna_rodrigues Link
Oct 30, 2021 Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil 22 35 99787058 @cafebio Link
Nov 17, 2018 Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil 24 32 69376855 @chirley_silva Link
Nov 17, 2019 Senador Guiomard, Acre, Brazil 22 32 37354913 @martin-acosta Link
Nov 22, 2021 Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil 23 30 101731084 @wendelcastro Link


Date Location Low (°C) High (°C) Observation User Link
Jun 21, 2023 Larissa, Greece 17 32 168832188 @grzegorz_jarosiewicz Link
Sep 10, 2022 Kraljevo, Serbia 17 27 144309185 @brankokv Link
Sep 11, 2023 Maiorca, Portugal 17 23 182994675 @maricel-patino Link
Sep 14, 2023 Murcia, Spain 25 30 183197699 @jorge_plaza Link
Sep 17, 2022 Caldas da Rainha, Portugal 19 25 139008480 @jonnyvanbatman Link
Sep 19, 2023 Callosa d'En Sarrià, Alicante, Spain 22 26 184364369 @nibor_ Link
Sep 23, 2023 Poggio-Mezzana, Haute-Corse, France 17 26 184493855 @papilou2250 Link
Oct 2, 2022 Navata, Girona, España 10 28 138591244 @mammal Link
Nov 2, 2019 Aveiro, Portugal 15 18 35195370 @mariarp93 Link

Australia and New Zealand

Date Location Low (°C) High (°C) Observation User Link
Jan 3, 2022 Smithfield Conservation Park, Queensland, Australia 24 34 104234772 @mmpro Link
Jan 6, 2021 Townsville, Queensland, Australia 24 29 68323133 @drongo Link
Jan 7, 2022 Upper Mount Gravatt, Queensland, Australia 25 27 104511084 @misfits_vintage Link
Jan 9, 2020 Cairns, Queensland, Australia 24 31 37451381 @kerrycoleman Link
Jan 10, 2020 Bloomfield, Queensland, Australia 24 32 37455157 @oriam Link
Jan 10, 2022 Larapinta, Queensland, Australia 22 28 104687663 @fjadec Link
Jan 17, 2021 Woodbury, Queensland, Australia 24 33 68176921 @hughianni Link
Jan 23, 2022 Mount Nebo, Queensland, Australia 19 27 105417311 @barbara1112 Link
Jan 25, 2020 Eerwah Vale, Queensland, Australia 24 29 37979669 @carolynstewart Link
Jan 27, 2022 Cairns, Queensland, Australia 25 31 105634680 @upollo Link
Feb 3, 2022 Mount Sheridan, Queensland, Australia 25 34 106143281 @rhinolophus Link
Feb 4, 2022 Eungella, Queensland, Australia 23 28 106115817 @beaniana08 Link
Feb 8, 2020 Cape Hillsborough National Park, Queensland, Australia 24 32 38402616 @debinmackay Link
Feb 15, 2020 Rooty Hill, New South Wales, Australia 19 26 38662185 @gypsygirl75 Link
Feb 15, 2020 Lane Cove, New South Wales, Australia 19 26 74121660 @marcalet Link
Feb 26, 2021 Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand 15 25 70214417 @melissa29 Link
Feb 29, 2020 Gargett, Queensland, Australia 24 31 39335961 @draaron Link
Mar 2, 2019 Perth, Western Australia, Australia 11 26 20875695 @karolina Link
Mar 4, 2020 Tauranga, New Zealand 19 24 39565074 @murray7 Link
Mar 4, 2022 Woy Woy, New South Wales, Australia 22 25 107852236 @mosspit Link
Mar 5, 2022 Bunya Mountains, Queensland, Australia 19 30 108617605 @debmetters Link
Mar 8, 2022 Twin Waters, Queensland, Australia 22 35 108169367 @f_martoni Link
Mar 16, 2019 Otahuhu, New Zealand 17 26 71156198 @mike68lusk Link
Mar 16, 2020 East Barron, Queensland, Australia 21 32 41656251 @damontighe Link
Mar 22, 2017 Warrimoo, New South Wales, Australia 22 31 82529076 @recorderer Link
Mar 22, 2021 Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia 24 28 71743271 @annarose75 Link
Mar 23, 2021 Calliope, Queensland, Australia 25 30 71858265 @teale_britstra Link
Mar 25, 2023 Smithfield Conservation Park, Queensland, Australia 23 31 152303222 @zoologistmitch Link
Mar 24, 2021 Bloomfield, Queensland, Australia 24 31 71985369 @dianneclarke Link
Mar 27, 2023 Bloomfield, Queensland, Australia 20 29 152472963 @dhruthi2 Link
Apr 1, 2023 Gateway Island, Victoria, Australia 11 20 153536645 @tmacvean Link
Apr 4, 2023 Toormina, New South Wales, Australia 18 25 153549623 @nicklambert Link
Apr 16, 2018 The Entrance North, New South Wales, Australia 16 28 11142357 @regb Link
May 14, 2022 Chillagoe, Queensland, Australia 21 29 117118615 @jake_nz Link
May 17, 2022 Kuranda, Queensland, Australia 19 29 117420214 @nathaniel159 Link
Oct 13, 2022 8 Innot Hot Springs, Queensland, Australia 23 30 139786440 @louisveilex Link
Dec 10, 2022 Jaggan, Queensland, Australia 26 32 172561222 @karena_mcleod Link
Dec 13, 2018 Innot Hot Springs, Queensland, Australia 25 31 145543364 @xybo Link
Dec 28, 2021 Lee Point, Northern Territory, Australia 24 32 103799523 @jameslambo Link


Date Location Low (°C) High (°C) Observation User Link
Mar 7, 2022 Thrissur, Kerala, India 29? 31 108106907 @sreenivasan Link
Apr 17, 2023 Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India 30? 30? 155289350 @poorna_sona Link
May 2, 2022 Hebri, Karnataka, India 26 33 120806599 @harshithjv Link
May 3, 2021 Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, India 26 37 77009421 @kamleshatwal Link
May 4, 2023 Kochi, Kerala, India 30? 30 159663207 @renju Link
May 8, 2023 Bardhaman, West Bengal, India 23 36 160541349 @sunny122 Link
May 9, 2023 Bardhaman, West Bengal, India 29 42 160716481 @puspak_roy Link
May 16, 2021 Miyazaki-shi, Japan 24? 26? 143272879 @sindhuharidas Link
May 18, 2020 Palakkad, Kerala, India 23 28 46345693 @abhiramic Link
May 24, 2022 Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 22 31 118509898 @dhruthi2 Link
May 24, 2022 Margao, Goa, India 28 34 118495686 @chandruchawla Link
May 29, 2021 Bardez, Goa, India 26 31 80691388 @mrinalini_sen Link
Jun 4, 2020 Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 23 30 48421532 @kabirbhartur Link
Jun 17, 2023 Rāmantali, Kerala, India 25 33? 168099497 @sindhuharidas Link
Jun 25, 2022 Annāmalaihalli, Tamil Nadu, India 21? 28 123496704 @vinod_shankar Link
Jun 30, 2019 Miyazaki-shi, Japan 27 29 27921330 @psyconaut Link
Jul 30, 2022 New Delhi, Delhi, India 26 32 143698444 @saraptor Link
Jul 1, 2023 Thane, Maharashtra, India 24 29 170488642 @anil_kumar_verma Link
Jul 2, 2023 Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, India 27 33 170656573 @kapil_chand Link
Jul 3, 2021 Central and Western District, Hong Kong 30 32 86011443 @pasteurng Link
Jun 6, 2021 Lantau Island, Hong Kong 27 32 81872873 @thomas303 Link
Jul 8, 2023 Thane, Maharashtra, India 27 31 170488642 @anil_kumar_verma Link
Jul 8, 2023 Mātherān, Maharashtra, India 27 31 179092198 @rajivthanawala Link
Jul 8, 2023 Bankura, West Bengal, India 27 33 171760762 @aniruddha_singhamahapatra Link
Jul 9, 2021 Salem, Tamil Nadu, India 28 37 86266647 @thaniwildbook Link
Jul 9, 2023 Pānch Mahāls, Gujarat, India 27 30 171969097 @birderbaba Link
Jul 10, 2020 Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India 23 31 142214051 @kaushikkhandode Link
Jul 10, 2023 Kolkata, West Bengal, India 29 34 172145361 @wild_wild_nature Link
Jul 12, 2023 Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India 27 29 173577013 @sharadavakil Link
Jul 13, 2023 Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India (debris bag) 27 30 172835746 @pcbose Link
Jul 14, 2017 Kyoto, Japan 26 33 143752944 @krypto60 Link
Jul 17, 2021 East Godāvari, Andhra Pradesh, India 24 31 87538529 @rajabandi Link
Jul 18, 2023 Kota, Rajasthan, India 26 30 173546040 @sonukumar055 Link
Jun 22, 2020 Aynode, Maharashtra, India 26 30 50556363 @sanjay10 Link
Jul 22, 2023 Kevdi, Gujarat, India 28 34 174173440 @foram_bee Link
Jul 23, 2023 Kevdi, Gujarat, India 26 27 174666515 @drpadhiyar Link
Jul 23, 2021 Amritsar, Punjab, India 28 34 88506019 @shailjakumari Link
Jul 27, 2023 Ballari, Karnataka, India 23 29 175172044 @siddhantmhetre09 Link
Jul 27, 2023 Pāmulaparru, Andhra Pradesh, India 26 29 175143694 @thota Link
Jul 28, 2022 Vidyānagar, Maharashtra, India 25 33 136925302 @mayurnandikar Link
Aug 10, 2020 Bālāpur, Maharashtra, India 25 29 56012320 @kulbhushansingh Link
Aug 17, 2023 Mātherān, Maharashtra, India 28 35 178822784 @kamleshatwal Link
Aug 18, 2020 Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India 26 31 57339737 @evamarieveroeveren Link
Aug 22, 2018 Chernigovskiy Rayon, Russia 18 27 16353722 @olgafromvl Link
Aug 25, 2021 Mātherān, Maharashtra, India 22 30 92454620 @veenas Link
Sep 2, 2022 Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, India 25 33 133428194 @jayarakesh Link
Sep 3, 2022 Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 22 26 133474780 @xuacc Link
Sep 4, 2021 Navsari, Gujarat, India 26 31 94344784 @viraljoshi Link
Sep 4, 2021 Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 21 28 93573616 @subbu107 Link
Sep 6, 2022 Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, India 27 33 133861681 @kumargeo Link
Sep 16, 2021 Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 21 29 36859401 @kiranghadge Link
Sep 16, 2021 New Delhi, Delhi, India 25 29 95183358 @svabhukohli Link
Sep 19, 2020 Ernākulam, Kerala, India 24 26 60081064 @sunnyjosef Link
Sep 26, 2022 Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India 25 31 136536186 @chandan_dalawat Link
Sep 30, 2021 Tainan, Taiwan 27 33 96773910 @wangfoofoo Link
Oct 3, 2021 Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 22 29 96980692 @radioactivenerd Link
Oct 21, 2021 Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India 25 31 98981006 @thaniwildbook Link
Oct 24, 2020 Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India 25 34 63775176 @samuelprakash Link
Nov 14, 2021 Puducherry, Pondicherry, India 24 28 106508595 @satyaswaroopnanda Link
Nov 14, 2022 Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India 22 26? 143164224 @vikramchandra_alladi Link
Nov 19, 2021 Salem, Tamil Nadu, India 24 32 101524879 @thaniwildbook Link


This table may be periodically updated with new observations which improve the accuracy of the data. As of 26/09/23 it contains 200 observations. Copying this data into Excel and using the min, max and average functions (which automatically ignore data marked with ?) results in the following:

Low (°C) High (°C)
Minimum -2 14
Maximum 30 42
Average 21.65 29.23

Observation 167425167 has the lowest temperature with -2°C so deserves closer scrutiny. This temperature was recorded during fog at 08:00 on the day of the observation in Paraná, Entre Rios, Argentina. The observation was made at 12:49 in Parque Nacional Pre Delta some 42 kilometers south of Paraná but timeanddate does not have a location for the park itself and for nearby Diamante and Strobel the weather given is the same so is presumably from the weather monitoring station in Paraná. The temperature rose to 3°C by 09:00 and then 11°C by 11:00 and it was 12-13°C at the time of the observation. Cold temperature were also recorded earlier in the day of 0°C from 04:00 to 07:00 and an overnight temperature of 1 or 2°C in the hours before. The two days prior to the observation had similar temperatures. The more distant weather monitoring station in Córdoba recorded even colder temperautres of -6°C on this day. The park is noted as having an annual average temperature of 19°C with a humid and tropical environment as a result of the river having a moderating influence.[1]

It is therefore uncertain what temperature occurred in the park on this day but unless the park has a significantly different microclimate it was presumably cold. The level of maturity of the mushrooms suggests they started growing at least a day or two earlier so would have been exposed to the overnight temperatures.

The next lowest temperature was 6°C in observation 179607697 from Peru in January.

The minimum high of 14°C also comes from the observation with a -2°C low and a second observation has a potential high of 14°C but is lacking data. The next minimum high is 18°C.

The highest temperature of 42°C is from observation 160716481 from India in May. The observation was made at 12:30 and a more detailed look at the temperatures that day reveals 40°C at 11:30 and 42°C at 14:30 with no data provided in between. So the temperature during this observation can be assumed to be at least 40°C. Some of the less mature primordia are aborting as is seen by the yellowing and browning as well as the dry, shrivelling look. The older ones look a little dry with some browning developing and some intermediary ones have spliiting stems so they do not appear to be growing very well. The two days before saw high temperatures of 42 and 40°C however and it did not go below 26°C during this period so the mushrooms visible will have grown during some of this extreme heat. Numerous primordia aborting whilst a few grow large is not uncommon and it cannot be assessed whether this was the result of the heat though desiccation as a result of the extremes seems likely.

The next highest is 37°C with two observations, 86266647 and 77009421 in India at this temperature. Both obervations show good growth with no sign of distress and both were made a few hours after the highest temperature with the mushrooms mature enough that they must have developed before then.

Also of note is observation 69376855 recorded on the 17th of November 2018. The low and high temperatures of 24/32°C are fairly consistent across the month and nothing especially noteworth in themselves however on the day after the observation a sudden drop in temperature is recorded from 29°C with showers at 13:00 to 6°C and thunderstorms at 13:18 and then back up to 24°C with thunderstorms at 14:00. Similar is observed earlier in the month on the 6th with a drop from 31°C to 6°C with precipitation in a one hour period and then back up to 26°C. This same trend is seen in past weather data for the region during November and December often with a few such storms per month. It would be interesting to see what impact these cold snaps accompanied by rain and storms have on the fungus.

Observation 104687663 is interesting due to the presence of both L. cretaceus and L. birnbaumii near each other. This is not unique and is found in several observations but is suggestive of similar conditions being favourable for both species.


  • [1] "Predelta National Park (Parque Nacional Predelta)"ermakvagus.com
  • Publicado el septiembre 26, 2023 02:26 TARDE por mycomutant mycomutant


    So interesting.

    Publicado por carolynstewart hace 10 meses

    Very good, well done. :)

    Publicado por nicklambert hace 10 meses

    very interesting ... thanks

    Publicado por drpadhiyar hace 10 meses

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