Great Southern Bioblitz 2023: Eswatini - Flora New Records

As many of our flora observations do not yet have confirmed identifications, including observations from GSB 2023 as new records is tentative in most cases.

New additions to the Eswatini Flora Checklist:

Hypoxis obtusa

Most of our Hypoxis observations still require identification or confirmation, but if confirmed, this species would be a new addition to the Eswatini checklist.

Parapolydora gerrardii

There were two observations of this species. If the identification is confirmed, this would be a new record for Eswatini.

Macroptilium atropurpureum

This species is indigenous to the tropical and subtropical regions of North, Central, and South America, and this is our first confirmed record for it from within Eswatini.

New records on iNaturalist for Eswatini:

Ocimum motjaneanum

There were four observations of this species, from two localities. This species is one of our near endemics, and prior to this year's GSB, had last been recorded from within Eswatini in 1997.

Hibiscus dongolensis

There were two observations of this species, the first for this species within Eswatini on iNaturalist. There are herbarium specimens of this species from within the country, the most recent being from 1983.

Maerua angolensis

Although this species has been recorded from various parts of the lowveld within the country, this is our first iNaturalist observation of this tree from Eswatini.

Pegolettia senegalensis

Pending confirmation of the identification, this would be the first iNaturalist observation of this species from Eswatini. There is one previous record of this species in Eswatini, a herbarium specimen collected in 1960 from the Big Bend area.

Senecio panduriformis

Pending confirmation of the identification, this would be the first iNaturalist observation of this species from Eswatini. Many of our Senecio observations do not yet have identifications, so it is possible that we might have more observations of this species. There are herbarium specimens of this plant from various parts of the country, the most recent being 1962.

Publicado el diciembre 10, 2023 07:46 MAÑANA por katebraunsd katebraunsd


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