South Section - 01/17/2024

Wednesday, 9:00am-11:13am. 19 dead newts, no live ones, no juveniles
Weather: low-50's. No breeze; partially cloudy
Coverage: From the intersection of Aldercroft Heights Road X Alma Bridge road to the stop sign..
Terry and I walked together. I documented the newts stated above, 5 of which were found on the Resevoir side of the road, and the remaining 14 were found on the hill side of the road.
Traffic: 19 cars; 12 trucks; 2 bikes
My observations from this day:

Publicado el enero 17, 2024 11:44 TARDE por motherpurina motherpurina


Walking with Jennifer, Terry documented 19 newts, a millipede, and a squirrel
My observations for the day:

Publicado por teellbee hace 9 meses

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