One more day for observations for the event....

Observations made before midnight April 29 are still part of the event. Everything does not have to be uploaded to the night right away - as long as the observations are uploaded before May 5 they will be counted in the event summaries. I have a lot of uploading in my future.

There are a lot of great observations already in the record. Our group was wondering if the turtles were awake yet and @rebelnerd7 found them in Kil-Cona Park on Sunday.

@arikat went looking for frogs and found them along with plenty of other life along the way. Listen to this recording of Northern Leopard frogs calling near Omands Creek on Saturday. The sound is a lot lower than the wood frogs when heard at a distance and you may not have noticed it before ... even if you do spend a lot of time outside.

@seraphinpoudrier has a close eye for detail and an inventive approach. Don't miss the group of observations made during the event of tiny animals stuck in the gluey bands people put on trees to reduce cankerworms. Here's a mysterious egg found on Sunday near the Red River in St Boniface.

@codonoghue continues a series of beautifully photographed slices of spring - like this Dark-eyed junco perched in Fort Richmond.on Sunday.

ek_99 was one of the lucky ones to find an early Red Admiral on a stucco wall north of Lockport.

@exploringlee found an elusive Brown Creeper on an oak tree along Bunn's Creek.

@free2fish got out the microscope to share with us the astonishingly beautiful life found in a drop of water from the La Salle River.

There are so many lovely things that people have found they won't all fit on the page - you will have to hunt them yourselves. Add a favourite to the ones that amaze you and I will share them up the chain. Please feel free to include your own observations - the ones that reminded you why you were looking and listening to begin with.

And then be inspired to find more stuff for yourself outside. Happy Monday!

Publicado el abril 29, 2024 12:57 TARDE por marykrieger marykrieger


Thanks again for this update, and great info added!

Publicado por seraphinpoudrier hace 5 meses

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