Decim Call Frequencies: Accessibility Update

Because call pitch is such an important ID feature for the three decim species of Magicicada, I recently created an observation field, "Decim call pitch." To keep the labels short, I used mathematical symbols (specifically ≤ and >), but after using the field for a few days, I've realized that these symbols can be confusing, especially for dyslexic users. To make the field more accessible to all users, I've changed the wording to "below," "above," and "double chorus."

I've been using Raven Lite to look at spectrograms of the calls (focusing on observations in the geographic range of neotredecim) and determine call pitch. Decim call pitches appear as a solid, even, usually thin line parallel and near to the bottom of the field. I will sometimes link a spectrogram to an ID, but it's a little time-consuming, so I don't always do so: if you're really keen to see a particular one, just ask and I'll upload it (as time allows).

Dave Marshall gives a succinct explanation of the decim frequencies here:

Publicado el mayo 26, 2024 01:17 TARDE por weecorbie weecorbie


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