Kestrel's everyday lives #16 - Mom Controls the Space

Before the chicks appeared, the female almost never sat on the cable channels. But now, since the chicks love to sit on the cable channels, she also takes this place. She carefully controls the airspace. Now she has to control more than before. Before, all four chicks sat in one nesting niche, but now they sit wherever they want. Usually, three are in three different ventilation niches, and one is on the roof railing. Try to keep track of them! But our mom manages it - she confidently controls all the space!

Publicado el junio 21, 2024 02:59 TARDE por ikovalev ikovalev


Fotos / Sonidos


Cernicalo Común (Falco tinnunculus)




Junio 18, 2024 a las 05:32 TARDE +03


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