Interesting sightings of jellyfish this year! 今年出現了不少有趣的水母!

對在香港觀察水母而言,今年是有趣的一年!我們收到不少罕見品種的出沒報告,了解更多水母在香港的分佈。透過箱型水母 的幾次出沒報告,我們確認香港水域有這品種的存在。在國外被視為侵入性的珍珠水母亦在香港出現了。外型漂亮的Thysanostoma loriferum也曾有出沒報告,大家可以更細心留意這些漂亮的品種!
This year has been an exciting one for jellyfish observations in Hong Kong! Some uncommon species have been reported again telling us more about jellyfish presence and distribution in Hong Kong. The box jellyfish Morbakka sp. has been seen several times, confirming its continued presence in Hong Kong, as well as with the white-spotted jellyfish, Phyllorhiza punctata, considered invasive elsewhere in the world. The beautiful Thysanostoma loriferum has also been reported again, so keep an eye out for this amazing species!

Please let the HKJP know about any jellyfish you see in Hong Kong waters through the website, iNaturalist or social media. Every one of your observations of jellyfish, whether common or uncommon, is important and helps build our knowledge of jellyfish in Hong Kong!

Publicado el octubre 1, 2024 07:47 TARDE por johnt77 johnt77


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