Diario del proyecto Canids of Maine

Archivos de diario de mayo 2024

03 de mayo de 2024

The Scoop on Poop

You may not be able to see tracks in the snow right now, but you may find other evidence that foxes or coyotes are around or have passed through the area.

Below are pictures of coyote and domestic dog scat. The ends of the coyote scat look like they have a pointed twist, but the domestic dog scat doesn't have that same twist.

Coyote scat may be up to 4 inches long and about 3/4 of an inch in diameter (fox scat is approximately half that size). The color of the scat can vary depending on what they've been eating, and you may see evidence of fur, bones, fruit, berries, or insects!

Publicado el mayo 3, 2024 03:48 TARDE por canidsrule canidsrule