Diario del proyecto City Nature Challenge 2024: Hartford + New Haven counties

Archivos de diario de marzo 2024

08 de marzo de 2024

Easy ways to help us spread the word to other nature-lovers

Happy Friday everyone!

The City Nature Challenge is less than 50 days away, and we are really excited to have had several brand-new iNaturalist users join our project in the last couple of weeks. Welcome to iNaturalist, @carina69337, @jennifer_lynn, and @chel27, we are so happy to have you!

@Hexagonaria and I are working to get the word out about the CNC, and we have had the best luck publicizing the event on social media. That is where many of our new project members are coming from. We could really use your help spreading the word this way - can you each take a minute to do one of the following?

We put together this Google Document with some suggested text that you can copy and past for an email or social media post: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c8pu_pHIXVBcxo44Eozg87vA8Dw7uYO-Vq86klK1F5g/edit

Now is a great time to plan a nature walk or hike during the CNC on April 26-29! Making observations for our project is also a great way to celebrate during the week of Earth Day.

For any questions, or help putting together an event, you can always email us at cnchartfordnewhaven@gmail.com

Thank you again for your help!

Sarah (@chiforager) + Chase (@hexagonaria)

cc'ing top observers in these counties, but please forward to others who may be interested:

@ainemcmanus, @alextrouern-trend, @ali_n, @altspen, @apgarm, @apocynaceaenow, @arachphotobia, @arobey63, @bafinnan, @bobby23, @bridgetdaly, @catverde, @chiforager, @chrisstlawrence, @cink85, @codylimber, @colivia, @condrus, @cwyse, @davidreik, @debcushman, @df84, @dkaff, @dmantack, @drewdlestrudel, @ericpo1, @getawaygardens, @hexagonaria, @jackie24, @jeweledweevil, @jo1010, @jonathan, @judith300, @kellyfuerstenberg, @kimberlymj, @kristofz, @kwg555, @maddog1066, @msr042377, @pgiguere, @pinesnake, @pliantscience, @rayray, @rebeccagelernter, @rileyghostie, @riverlovesinverts, @rrn, @scmayo, @shin_alpha, @silvercats, @stellathejay, @steve432king, @susantheotter, @tatef, @team_bingebirder, @thebugwhisperer, @william_dornbos

Publicado el marzo 8, 2024 03:38 TARDE por chiforager chiforager | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
