Diario del proyecto Emmanuel College Naturalists

Archivos de diario de abril 2020

25 de abril de 2020

City challenges are now live!

Greetings Emmanuel College Naturalists!

The "City Nature Challenge" is active! This challenge is a fun competition with cities across the world to document and identify the most species. Apparently, Boston is doing pretty well, so if you are in and around the Boston 'burbs (including as far down as Nantucket and East as the Cape), I hope you are able to get out and about this weekend and (while maintaining all safe social-distancing protocols) appreciate and document some New England biodiversity!!

Boston: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2020-boston-area

If you are outside of the challenge limits, check around iNaturalist because you may be able to contribute to a challenge near you.

Best wishes,

Publicado el abril 25, 2020 01:27 TARDE por vcannataro vcannataro | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
