Diario del proyecto Emmanuel College Naturalists

Archivos de diario de junio 2022

24 de junio de 2022

One thousand species!

Dear Naturalists,

Yesterday Emmanuel College Naturalists passed 1,000 unique species observations!! This includes 467 different plants, 199 insects, 106 fungi, 78 birds, 46 arachnids, and 18 mammals. And, of course 1 Canada Goose (26 different posts).

We currently have 979 observations of 535 unique species that are "Research Grade" (verified by several naturalists) https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&project_id=emmanuel-college-naturalists&quality_grade=research&verifiable=any . Let's see if we can hit 1000 research grade observations by the end of the summer!

Take care,

Publicado el junio 24, 2022 03:32 TARDE por vcannataro vcannataro | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
