February 5th - Subfamilies of Tabanidae Cont'd

We're happy to announce another online workshop! Here are the details:

This week we'll review the identification of Tabanid subfamilies and work on the remaining unidentified observations that we didn't get to last week.

As always, our meetings are completely informal, and everyone is invited to speak their minds and ask questions to the group. Participation is vital for learning!

Please feel free to leave a comment to let us know if you plan to come! Questions are also welcome.

The Zoom meeting will open at 8 PM EST on Sunday the 5th.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

Our resource for this meeting: Notes on the Subfamilies of Tabanidae.

Identify Link for this meeting: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?order_by=random&lrank=family&place_id=1%2C6712&taxon_id=47821

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Publicado el enero 30, 2023 01:01 TARDE por zdanko zdanko


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