15 de marzo de 2024

Shrubland Restoration Project

Whilst much of the Mahakirau Forest Estate is near pristine broadleaf/conifer (kauri) QEII covenanted forest, there are some significant areas through the estate where invasive weeds have been allowed to take over. One such neglected area of approximately 1.4 hectares has become overgrown over twenty years or so, with vast thickets of gorse and blackberry blotting the landscape. However, isolated pockets of native bush which include colonisers such as; manuka, kanuka, pate, mahoe, hangehange, pigeonwood, karamu and associated tree ferns survive amongst the weeds.
It was decided sometime in 2022 to commence the restoration of this significant area of land, from a 'scrubland' to a fully functioning 'shrubland', which is generally regarded as the natural succession stage to native forest. North Island shrublands usually comprise fast-growing species as those mentioned above, together with other hardy species such as: mingimingi, kumarahou, akepiro, korokia and native hebes. Also, ground covers such as: sedges and grasses, turutu and ferns. Many of these plants already exist on the estate whilst others will need sourcing from local habitat and propagating in our native plant nursery.

Publicado el marzo 15, 2024 03:21 MAÑANA por tony_steer tony_steer | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de diciembre de 2020

Protecting an Endangered Species Haven

Help us protect Aotearoa | New Zealand's iconic and endangered species by maintaining a safe haven for them to flourish at Mahakirau:

Publicado el diciembre 24, 2020 09:18 TARDE por saras saras | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

28 de julio de 2020

Become a Mahakirau Champion

The Mahakirau Society is creating a space where children can connect with natural wonders; where scientists can advance knowledge; and the community can play a greater role in protecting the natural world.


Help us to continue enthralling, inspiring and educating. Become a Mahakirau champion! You too can play a role in the guardianship of this very special place. Even the smallest contribution has a ripple effect. Help to provide a safe haven for the iconic species at home in the Mahakirau forest, allowing them to flourish and to continue capturing the heart of many, inspiring future Champions to play a role in loving and protecting nature. By gifting to (and sharing) the Mahakirau GiveALittle Campaign you are directly investing in a sanctuary where people can deepen their understanding of, connection to, and protection of a nature-rich world. What a wonderful cause to belong to!

Publicado el julio 28, 2020 05:58 MAÑANA por saras saras | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

28 de noviembre de 2016

Welcome to all our new members

Could you please add your own unique icon so we don't look so anonymous to all our fans!

Publicado el noviembre 28, 2016 03:58 MAÑANA por tony_steer tony_steer | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
