09 de febrero de 2022

Progressive list of fish species proved by photos to be clients of Western Cleaner Clingfish in SA

I'm new at this aspect of iNat so it might be the wrong place to start this list.
No worries if so.
Wrt criteria for adding a client species, I'm only going to include species for which I personally have images showing direct contact with one or more western cleaner Clingfish. Perhaps later I could look at the practicalities of including species for which I don't have supporting images but other divers do (issues including consent, links etc deter me at present).
Preamble: I've been interested in temperate marine fish cleaning for several decades now, but apart from sporadic articles posted by me or by Steve Reynolds (including on my behalf by editing snippets I have sent Steve or he's read as comments under sundry observations which I have flagged for his interest) and some of his own experiences and results of his internet searches) on the MLSSA website, I've done virtually no analyses of the accumulated data.
This is a start!
Nb: not in any order, alphabetical or historical. I'll simply rely on memory for now, but all species listed should have at least one of my iNat images as evidence.

Banded Seaperch

Western Talma

Harlequin Fish

Bluespotted Goatfish

Magpie Perch

Old Wife

Brownspotted Wrasse

  • I'm pausing here because of my uncertainty about the purpose of this space(!!)
Publicado el febrero 9, 2022 03:20 MAÑANA por davemmdave davemmdave | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
