Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Vireo. Esto ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los taxa de salida. Revisar identificaciones de Vireo olivaceus 17366

Taxonomic Split 57606 (Guardado el 17/01/2020)

This is a retroactive split - Vireo chivi was added when it should have been split off from Vireo olivaceus. We are now splitting Vireo olivaceus after the fact to sort out existing identifications of Vireo olivaceus that now apply to Vireo chivi

Clements Checklist v2018 (Referencia)
Añadido por rjq el mayo 18, 2019 02:17 TARDE | Comprometido por loarie el 17 de enero de 2020
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Why are we developing a new taxon for Vireo olivaceus?

Publicado por birdwhisperer hace alrededor de 5 años

My understanding is that when taxa are split, it is better to create two new taxa. The new olivaceus sensu strictu is a different taxon concept to the old broader taxon, with a different range and different component subspecies.

Publicado por rjq hace alrededor de 5 años

@rjq this is another situation (similar to where Vireo olivaceus migrates pretty much down to the southern limit of Vireo chivi. Do we need a retroactive split to deal with identifications of Vireo olivaceus 17366 that should now be considered Vireo chivi or can this be sorted out in the IDing process - doesn't look like there's too many observations of Vireo olivaceus 17366 in the overalp area

Publicado por loarie hace casi 5 años

I think this needs the split, there are 146 South American obs of olivaceus which will need confirming (or leaving as the genus). In general, observers seem more willing to make changes when a split has been made, than when a new ID is made with a comment about a split

Publicado por rjq hace casi 5 años

ok committed

Publicado por loarie hace casi 5 años

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