Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Campsomerinae. Esto ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los taxa de salida. Revisar identificaciones de Campsomeris 51961

Taxonomic Split 57807 (Guardado el 23/05/2019)

True Campsomeris (Campsomeris s.s.) as of Argaman 1996 (supported in Osten 2005 and various sources below), is exclusively neotropical as subgenera. The former subgenera are elevated to genera, and species have been moved to their current standing. This is reflected in BugGuide, which iNaturalist generally follows. Various campsomerine species very likely will require further attention due to the lack of a single, current taxonomic reference for this group.

NOTE TO IDENTIFIERS: If you are unsure of species, please consider identifying only as Campsomerinae. The majority of records not placed to species at the time of this change do not represent Campsomeris s.s. and thus will be rendered as Camsomerinae following the split. Enough ranges overlap that generic placement by range may not be advisable, so splitting by atlases is not currently feasible.

Additional references: (Nearctic. Note: incorrectly still includes Campsomeris s.s. even though the Dielis page notes: "Campsomeris s.s. is a Neotropical genus and does not occur in the USA and Canada.") (Nearctic with notes on Neotropical. Note: still listed as subgenera but includes more extensive placement than BugGuide)ハラナガツチバチ亜科

Añadido por jonathan142 el mayo 24, 2019 06:24 MAÑANA | Comprometido por jonathan142 el 23 de mayo de 2019
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So... where do these new genera exist? If you don't want to atlas them, could you at least summarize the geographic delineations in the underlying papers? I'm mostly interested in the American ones, but I assume everyone who's observed / identified these would like some tips on how to re-identify their records.

Ugh, given what I'm seeing at, maybe geography isn't terribly useful.

Publicado por kueda hace casi 5 años

Atlasing will probably be difficult just due to the state of the literature (so may not occur in all countries). This is a very broad treatment below:

AMERICAS (inc. Caribbean)
• Campsomeris (very restricted to far-south Neotropical realm, nowhere in North America and likely just South America from species I can find good data on)
Dielis (very broad occurrence throughout continents, most common in North America)
• Pygodasis (less broad occurrence, from the eastern US, south into some part of South America)
• Xanthocampsomeris (most prominent in Mexico south into at least part of South America, northern extremes only known in Arizona, Texas, and Florida)

Campsomeriella (rather broad occurrence)
Megacampsomeris (generally more Asia)
Phalerimeris (generally more Asia)
• Sericocampsomeris (at least Asia)

Publicado por jonathan142 hace casi 5 años

Cool, well at least that's something. Thanks!

Publicado por kueda hace casi 5 años

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