Taxonomic Swap 113928 (Guardado el 28/08/2022)

Añadido por nschwab el agosto 28, 2022 02:15 TARDE | Comprometido por nschwab el 28 de agosto de 2022
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I wonder, wasn't there an agreement/rule that swaps for fungal names are only made when the new name appears in Mycobank and/or Index Fungorum databases? That is with the greatest respect to the authors of Flora of Lichenicolous Fungi.

Publicado por jurga_li hace alrededor de 2 años

That is what Jerry Cooper was doing. However, this is a very slow process and many take a long time before appearing. Some are even forgotten and take years before being released. I prefer checking the validity of the names myself with the ICN requirements. If there is an error it can always be modified so it's not very problematic. It's easier to do the swaps and additions when someone read a study than waiting for it to be released on MB (IF doesn't have a news feed) as it's easily forgotten.

Publicado por nschwab hace alrededor de 2 años

Beg to differ. MB release is quite fast. Especially once the taxon is published. Index Fungorum may take longer, but MB is fast. Actually there is a policy in mycological journals that a new taxon cannot be published unless MB name is assigned. In this case, since taxa are already published (in a book) it should not take longer than several weeks for a name to appear in MB unless there are some nomenclature or other problems.

Publicado por jurga_li hace alrededor de 2 años

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